We took Keeley to the ENT today. It took us a month and a half and three different antibiotics to finally get rid of a sinus infection she got just before Halloween. She finished her medicine on December 23rd. That is too long to be on medicine! When we were getting her last round of antibiotics, her pediatrician made an offhand comment that we might end up having to have her adenoids removed later on down the road. I immediately came home and researched that (I ask less questions on the spot now that I usually have two kiddos with me). Two of the signs of enlarged adenoids are recurrent/chronic sinus infections and mouth breathing. Keeley is definitely a mouth breather. Instead of waiting until she got another sinus infection and putting her on more antibiotics, I decided we should have it checked out.
Keeley, Kayden, and I all went to the appointment. I was a bit nervous when Keeley was terrrified of the nurse. Prior to our trip, we talked a lot about meeting the new doctor, where he would look, why he was doing it, etc. I guess I forgot to prep her for a nurse that wasn't Ms. Rosa from her pediatrician. Keeley hid behind the chair while I talked to the nurse. The nurse took all the pertinent information and then said the doctor might want to take an x-ray. Fine by me I thought. I asked her how that was accomplished and she said the doctor would place a scope in Keeley's nose and take a picture of the area. I suppose the look on my face said exactly what I was thinking which was "you've got to be kidding" because she quickly told me it would only take about 20 seconds. I asked her how it worked and she said Keeley would sit in my lap facing out and I would give her a bear hug while the nurse held her head still and the doctor put a scope in her nose. She assured me that it wouldn't hurt and that it was fast. In my head I was thinking "this is not going to go well...and what am I going to do with Kayden while this is not going well...."
As soon as the nurse left, I started preping Keeley. I told her that the doctor was going to look in her nose, ears, and mouth like Dr. Frank (her pedi) but then he also had to put a crazy thing in her nose. I said that she'd sit in my lap and I'd give her a big hug while the nurse held her head still and the doctor put the crazy thing in her nose. We practiced with her doll (the prized Christmas present).
When the doctor walked in, she pointed at him and said "crazy" so I gathered that she had understood what would be going on. I instantly liked him - very important because it helps me stay calm which helps me keep the kids calm. Keeley got in the chair and was so patient and did exactly what he asked her to do. This included opening her mouth which I find impressive. Then it was time for the crazy nose thing. Keeley was fine - until the nurse came back in the room. She wasn't crying, you could just tell she was very uncomfortable. The doctor got the scope out and sensed her concern. He offered to do the exam on her baby first (Keeley was clutching her). This won him big points in my book.
The nurse was right, it was fast. I don't think it hurt Keeley but it certainly couldn't have been comfortable. She was perfectly still for the first half of the exam and then started to scream. As soon as as the doctor was done, she and I hoped out of the chair and I held her tight trying to calm her down. The doctor proceeded to tell me the results and Keeley turned around and waved at him saying "bye bye" over and over again through her tears. It was hard not to laugh.
So, the results are that her adenoids are blocking 75-80% of her nasal pasage. We will likely end up getting surgery soon. I thought I had healthy kids...but this will be our 3rd surgery in 1 year.
P.S. Kayden just crawled around on the floor during all of this. She was a little hestitant of the doctor after the screaming from her sister though....
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
7 months!
Kayden is 7 months old. My oh my what a crazy time we have had this last month. She has turned into a HORRIBLE sleeper but we are working on that... I think it is all her movement that just is troublesome to her. She's gone from just sitting and starting to crawl last month to pulling up, bear crawling, cruising, squatting and picking up toys without sitting down, and transferring toys between her hands. She's also really gotten into eating solid foods and prefers to do it herself - so puffs and banans are a big hit with her right now. Banging is very fun for her. She likes to bang her tray with food and spoons and will flap her arms up and down when she gets excited and bang her legs. Her surgery was last month, she spent almost a week without Mom or Dad, and she started "talking". Her sounds right now are "na" and "da".
And, she is the cutest 7 month old I know! I mean really, look how sweet this face is!
And, she is the cutest 7 month old I know! I mean really, look how sweet this face is!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Keeley received some bath toys from Uncle Kendall and Angie. They are the squirty kind and she has three - Cookie Monster, Ernie, and Elmo. Keeley is a bit obsessed with Elmo right now - in particular the Elmo on her diapers and a song on one of her cds. This obsession made the Elmo squirt toy an instant hit with her.
Tonight she picked him up, held him tight, and said "keep" as we were getting out of the bath. I didn't see the harm in letting her keep him so we went to the changing table to get her ready for bed. She was on her back while I was putting on her diaper when she lifted Elmo up over her head and said "Elmo". She then said "squirt" and squeezed him. Just as she commanded, Elmo squirted - right into her eye. She quickly sat up, covered her eye, and said "eye".
Cause and effect. Such a great teacher!
Tonight she picked him up, held him tight, and said "keep" as we were getting out of the bath. I didn't see the harm in letting her keep him so we went to the changing table to get her ready for bed. She was on her back while I was putting on her diaper when she lifted Elmo up over her head and said "Elmo". She then said "squirt" and squeezed him. Just as she commanded, Elmo squirted - right into her eye. She quickly sat up, covered her eye, and said "eye".
Cause and effect. Such a great teacher!
Kayden's first Christmas was fun! Kelly and I got back in town on Christmas Eve around noon. My plan was to go to Christmas Eve service with them but everyone was too worn out. We spent the evening with Uncle Kendall and Angie instead. Keeley is obsessed with Angie right now so that was fun for everyone (except maybe Kendall...). We opened a few presents that night.

Keeley kicked me out of the bathroom so that Angie could help give her a bath.
I definitely feel the love.
The next day, the girls spent some time with my grandparents (but I forgot to take pictures). Kelly's dad and Cathy came over the next day (and I forgot pictures again).
Overall, we had a great time and I have to say Kayden's first Christmas and our first Christmas without Poppy went better than I expected.
The next morning we opened presents with the girls. Keeley was interested in all the presents - hers and Kayden's. Kayden was interested in the bows and paper.
Kelly's mom came over after that and we opened her presents. She got Keeley an adorable hat and mittens and made the cutest had EVER for Kayden with some matching mittens.
Reading with Gramma while sister napped.
The girls took a nap and then Mom, Kendall, and Angie came over. We had a light dinner, played with the girls, and opened a few more presents.
Opening a present with Oma.
I definitely feel the love.
The next day, the girls spent some time with my grandparents (but I forgot to take pictures). Kelly's dad and Cathy came over the next day (and I forgot pictures again).
Overall, we had a great time and I have to say Kayden's first Christmas and our first Christmas without Poppy went better than I expected.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Sorry for the lack of posting, I've been busy not sleeping and preparing for the holidays and our trip to Cancun. I will post again soon. I have lots of kiddo updates and vacation updates.
I had no idea that sleep would be so elusive as a parent. I have read countless books, magazines, and on-line articles. Friends, doctors, family, and random strangers have all tried to help me sort through my children's lack of sleep. Some people almost convinced me that Kayden would be a better sleeper than Keeley because they said you can't have two that are so bad. Those people were wrong. I had almost convinced myself that I was the problem. That somehow I was not doing a good enough job teaching the kids to sleep. That theory has two major flaws in it:
1. Keeley sleeps 12 hours at night and takes a 2 hour nap everyday with no problems whatsoever now (even through sister's screaming)
2. Kelly and I were in Cancun for 4.5 days and Kayden's sleep pattern was identical for Mom as they have been for me.
Apparently it is just my kids. Naps are a fight until they only are taking one and sleep at night becomes HORRENDOUS around the time they learn to crawl. Keeley started sleeping well again when she learned to walk fairly well. I can only hope that Kayden does the same, and that she walks early.
You might be wondering why I am posting at near midnight. It would be because my youngest is not sleeping. She started "singing to herself" at 9:40. That escalated to fairly worked up crying by 10:05. I spent 15 minutes trying to calm her down and get her to sleep - didn't work at all. Kelly tried for 20 minutes with the same lack of success. We then let her cry for 30 minutes. Hard, frantic crying. So loud and sad that I had to go in the bathroom and turn the fan on to drown it out. Kelly went in again got her calmed down, supposedly sleeping. That lasted almost 5 minutes. I then went in again figuring I might as well try to feed her since she wakes up at 12 or 1 to eat anyway. She ate a little and then just wanted to pull my hair. At 11:40 she was still not asleep and I no longer thought it was fun to have my hair pulled so we came out here.
She is now cruising around the study just as happy as can be. She's talking, blowing raspberries, and banging things on the floor. At some point I suppose she will get tired. Even still, she's so very cute.
My daughter at midnight.
I had no idea that sleep would be so elusive as a parent. I have read countless books, magazines, and on-line articles. Friends, doctors, family, and random strangers have all tried to help me sort through my children's lack of sleep. Some people almost convinced me that Kayden would be a better sleeper than Keeley because they said you can't have two that are so bad. Those people were wrong. I had almost convinced myself that I was the problem. That somehow I was not doing a good enough job teaching the kids to sleep. That theory has two major flaws in it:
1. Keeley sleeps 12 hours at night and takes a 2 hour nap everyday with no problems whatsoever now (even through sister's screaming)
2. Kelly and I were in Cancun for 4.5 days and Kayden's sleep pattern was identical for Mom as they have been for me.
Apparently it is just my kids. Naps are a fight until they only are taking one and sleep at night becomes HORRENDOUS around the time they learn to crawl. Keeley started sleeping well again when she learned to walk fairly well. I can only hope that Kayden does the same, and that she walks early.
You might be wondering why I am posting at near midnight. It would be because my youngest is not sleeping. She started "singing to herself" at 9:40. That escalated to fairly worked up crying by 10:05. I spent 15 minutes trying to calm her down and get her to sleep - didn't work at all. Kelly tried for 20 minutes with the same lack of success. We then let her cry for 30 minutes. Hard, frantic crying. So loud and sad that I had to go in the bathroom and turn the fan on to drown it out. Kelly went in again got her calmed down, supposedly sleeping. That lasted almost 5 minutes. I then went in again figuring I might as well try to feed her since she wakes up at 12 or 1 to eat anyway. She ate a little and then just wanted to pull my hair. At 11:40 she was still not asleep and I no longer thought it was fun to have my hair pulled so we came out here.
She is now cruising around the study just as happy as can be. She's talking, blowing raspberries, and banging things on the floor. At some point I suppose she will get tired. Even still, she's so very cute.
My daughter at midnight.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
This was a hard Christmas without Daddy. Although, I think last year might have been more difficult because there was more sadness. This year, it was sad but also very surreal. Fortunately, we are blessed to have two angels that make us smile and keep us busy. I know that Daddy/Poppy has been around lately.
Before Kelly and I left for our trip, I spent a lot of time talking to the girls about what would happen. I told them Oma would come over to stay with them while we were gone and that Kendall and Angie would come visit. We talked about it a lot because Keeley is very much a child that needs to know what is happening and needs her routine. The day before we left, we were talking about it again and I told her that Oma was going to come over. She looked at me and thought for a second and then said "Pop". I said, that yes, I supposed Poppy might come too. She nodded.
The next day, Mom texted me while we were at the airport telling me that she and Keeley were dancing in the living room. Mom asked Keeley to tell Kayden who she was dancing with and Keeley said Oma and then Poppy.
It is so surreal to think that Daddy isn't here and it has been that way for almost one year. I am comforted to know that he is still here in spirit and that my girls are cultivating a relationship with him - even if I can't see it!
Before Kelly and I left for our trip, I spent a lot of time talking to the girls about what would happen. I told them Oma would come over to stay with them while we were gone and that Kendall and Angie would come visit. We talked about it a lot because Keeley is very much a child that needs to know what is happening and needs her routine. The day before we left, we were talking about it again and I told her that Oma was going to come over. She looked at me and thought for a second and then said "Pop". I said, that yes, I supposed Poppy might come too. She nodded.
The next day, Mom texted me while we were at the airport telling me that she and Keeley were dancing in the living room. Mom asked Keeley to tell Kayden who she was dancing with and Keeley said Oma and then Poppy.
It is so surreal to think that Daddy isn't here and it has been that way for almost one year. I am comforted to know that he is still here in spirit and that my girls are cultivating a relationship with him - even if I can't see it!
One of the very first things I needed to do when we got back home was pump. Keeley saw my pump and heard me talking about it. She got it down and got all the pieces put together, plugged it in, and tried to make it work. She then asked for help and was very distressed that her tummy did not produce any milk!
While the parents are away...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas Party
Keeley's friend Cali hosted a little Christmas get together for the girls. It was tons of fun. Cali, Kate, and Keeley played together for a little while. But, then the interested all turned to Kayden. Yes, all the big girls are under the table playing with the baby. Fortunately, Keeley doesn't care too much that all her friends are obsessed with her little sister.
Keeley got into her old clothes and pulled out two old pajama tops (12 month ones). She decided one could be a skirt. Then she went in Kayden's room and got one of her socks to complete the outfit.

Just know, this is not a battle that I plan on fighting anytime in the near future. Maybe you will get to see some fashion up close at a playdate sometime soon!
Just know, this is not a battle that I plan on fighting anytime in the near future. Maybe you will get to see some fashion up close at a playdate sometime soon!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Breakfast for Penguin
Keeley is obsessed with "menguins" (penguins). I thought this was particularly adorable the other morning.
Strapping him in with the bib.
Trying to do the bib and the straps to the chair at the same time.
Safety before cleanliness. The bib is temporarily abandoned.
Bib replaced and strapped in, Menguin is ready to eat. Keeley gets the food ready.
Of course she needed to sample the baby food before she fed Menguin.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Cute shirts...bad pictures
Friday, December 12, 2008
Decorating the tree
For our own sanity, we kept the Christmas decorations pretty simple this year. I really thought about not even putting up a tree. In the end though, I decided that since I had insisted Keeley get a tree for her first Christmas, it was only fair that we put up a tree for Kayden's first Christmas also.
One night we let Keeley stay up a little late and decorate the tree. The decorations were sparse. I put two strands of lights on the tree and let Keeley add a few Christmas balls and Christmas cards. Here she is decorating her first tree.

We then let her take some pictures of the tree.
One night we let Keeley stay up a little late and decorate the tree. The decorations were sparse. I put two strands of lights on the tree and let Keeley add a few Christmas balls and Christmas cards. Here she is decorating her first tree.
Such the helper...Keeley decided that Kayden needed a diaper change. I love this picture because Kayden is completely unconcerned that her diaper is half off and Keeley is looking at me very seriously saying and signing "change". I guess she wanted to make sure I understood the severity of the situation.

P.S. I know that is not the sign for change. Somehow that is what she got from the sign we tried to show her. That is what she does now. I'm sure her preschool teachers are confused!
P.P.S Kayden did not need a diaper change!
P.S. I know that is not the sign for change. Somehow that is what she got from the sign we tried to show her. That is what she does now. I'm sure her preschool teachers are confused!
P.P.S Kayden did not need a diaper change!
Kayden has discovered the dog food! Unfortunately, she continues to be very, very interested in it. She is always knocking it over, spreading it around, playing in the water, trying to eat it... This is much more a problem with her than it ever was with Keeley. I don't know if it is because she is just more interested or if I am just not as good at watching her since I am also watching Keeley. I'm sort of thinking the latter...

She has also discovered Keeley's red car. This has been one of the best presents we have received. It was a Christmas present from Poppy for Keeley last year. I have started hiding it when we have play dates because it causes such a stir. I think Kayden looks pretty good for her first ride!
She almost stepped in by herself.

So happy to be on her first ride.

She has also discovered Keeley's red car. This has been one of the best presents we have received. It was a Christmas present from Poppy for Keeley last year. I have started hiding it when we have play dates because it causes such a stir. I think Kayden looks pretty good for her first ride!
She almost stepped in by herself.
So happy to be on her first ride.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
First Surgery
Kayden had her surgery this morning and did wonderfully. We now know that she doesn't have to eat at 4am even though I've been feeding her then. Kelly went to her when she woke up and he was able to quickly settle her down (since she wasn't allowed to eat after 12). She woke up early for the day just friendly as could be. During the drive to the hospital she was able to take a tiny nap in the car but woke up when the wind hit us on the walk to the hospital. She was content to crawl on the bed and play with her toys for the hour and half we had to wait. When the anesthesiologist came to get her, she went to him with no tears or worries and he carried her all the way down the hall. As soon as I got into recovery she started crying but had previously been completely content with the nurse. Everyone told me that she was so sweet (I had to agree). Once she was home, everything was completely back to normal. The only trouble we had was that she felt like she needed to make up for lost time and bother Keeley even more! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers this morning. Hopefully this will fix the problem and we won't have any more procedures done!
Playing with her toys.
Talking (always talking...) to my camera.
At one point I tried to take her for a walk in the wagon. She wouldn't sit still in the seat belts and tried to stand up when I put her on the floor of it - it ended up being a short trip!
Note: The scratch under her eye is from her razor sharp nails that manage to grow every night even if cut low the day before. Her nose is sad looking because she had a bit of a run in with the fireplace. It is tough being little!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Starting Early
Yesterday Keeley started the day talking about Levi (my best friend's youngest kiddo). We talked about him all through breakfast and while she was getting ready for school. On the way to school, she told me she was going to see Peter and Luke (two kids in her class). When I dropped her off, she pointed Peter and Luke out to me and didn't cry at all when I handed her over to Ms. Kathy. Another of the moms was standing there and told me that her daughter had started talking about Keeley (I didn't tell her that Keeley has never tried to say Jessica, her daughter's name).
Later that day I got to school a little early to pick her up because it was their Christmas party. I was holding her and she looked awfully tired. I asked Ms. Karen and Ms. Kathy if Keeley had taken her nap. Ms. Kathy looked at me and then looked at the table where the other kids were sitting. She said "No, she and Peter (and pointed to him) were very social during nap time." Ms. Karen chimed in and told me that they talked and touched hands during the entire nap time. My little girl is already getting in trouble with boys. To make matters worse, this little boy lives just up the street from us!!
Later that day I got to school a little early to pick her up because it was their Christmas party. I was holding her and she looked awfully tired. I asked Ms. Karen and Ms. Kathy if Keeley had taken her nap. Ms. Kathy looked at me and then looked at the table where the other kids were sitting. She said "No, she and Peter (and pointed to him) were very social during nap time." Ms. Karen chimed in and told me that they talked and touched hands during the entire nap time. My little girl is already getting in trouble with boys. To make matters worse, this little boy lives just up the street from us!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
6 Months
Her stats at the doctor's were:
17 lb 7 oz (74%)
26.5 inches (73%)
She is having a small surgery next week on her tear duct since it is still occluded. The doctor believes that strapping the kids to a papoose board is a bit traumatic for everyone so she will be under a gas mask. I'm happy for this because it will make the procedure less stressful for her and quicker (her doctor said 5 minutes). I'm sad that my 6 month old will have to see an operating room so soon.
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