She also talks a lot right now. She can say "dada", "keeley", and "there". Notice that "mama" is missing again. I think that is totally not fair. "Dada" is the most clearly intelligible to other people but she definitely has a word for the other two.
She can sign "more" and "milk" and we are working on her signing "turkey" because that is, by far, her favorite food right now. If she is pointing at the refrigerator and you ask if she wants turkey, she gets a huge grin on her face and giggles. Signing is going to be even more important with Kayden than Keeley because she has absolutely no patience. I'd like to say she gets that from her dad but he has the patience of a saint....
Life is so exciting as babies turn into toddlers. Kayden is intent on copying Keeley. You can often find Kayden trying to put on a hat or sunglasses - and she wants no help from you! The other day Kayden start throwing a huge fit when I gave Keeley her plate of food for lunch. I had already put Kayden's food on her tray so I was confused. Kelly asked her if she wanted a plate. She quit fussing and was totally happy when Kelly moved all the food from her tray to the plate.
When she wants to read, she'll bring you a book, hold it out and grunt impatiently until you read it with her. However, she doesn't actually want you to read it but just flip the pages really quickly. She loves to dance and be sung to. She waves good bye and hello. She also likes to put objects in/on other things. For instance, if there are pieces of toast on her tray, she'll stick them in her cup. Dog food is still a huge attraction to her although now she really knows she's not supposed to be in there and looks startled when you catch her.
Even though she is not sleeping well at night, she is still so sweet when she wakes up. Kayden is definitely still a cuddler and would prefer it if you rocked with her all night. She is eating really, really well so it will be interesting to see what she weighs at her one year check up. I fear she may surpass Keeley who still only weighs 23 pounds!