Kayden definitely keeps us all on out toes more that I ever would have imagined possible for a one year old. She is constantly climbing and getting into things. So determined is she to do everything Keeley does, and more! She even showed us this week that she can do a forward roll all by herself!
At her doctor's appointment, they said she is obviously fine on her motor skills. She needs to have one word and she has several. In order of appearance, her words are "keeley", "dada", "mama", "cheese", "quack", "night night", and "this". Dr. Frank said they like for the kids to be off baby food by 15 months. I laughed and told them that she started refusing baby food at 7 months!
Weight: 20.5 (37%) - probably a little low because of her hand-foot-mouth
Length: 30 (78%)
She is getting skinny just like sister did when she started moving!
We celebrated her birthday at home on her birthday with cupcakes I made just for that night. She wanted nothing to do with them and kept pointing at the fridge until I got her ketchup and syrup.
We had a little party for her at The Little Gym with our friends Landon, Levi, and Judah. The kids all played hard and had fun.
Sunday, we opened presents. I think Keeley might have enjoyed opening more than Kayden, but they both liked playing with the toys.