This past weekend, we took our first family trip since Kayden was born. We decided to go to some cabins up in Oklahoma so we could have a vacation but also have it be as low stress as possible since it was our first trip with both girls. After thinking about it a little more, we decided to have it be a grandma trip so Oma and Grandma both came with us. Uncle Brent even flew in town to surprise Grandma for her birthday. We had so much fun!
The weekend got off to a little bit of a shaky start as Keeley fell while dancing for Brent before we even left. Her face broke her fall and her eye was pretty much swollen shut when we headed out. The girls did great on the car ride (even though they napped for no where near long enough) and we had tons of fun the first day there.
Both girls were initially fascinated with all the rocks and bugs around the cabin.

Kayden loved this bear on the front porch and gave it lots of big bear hugs.

They also were excited about their "cabin beds" - even though Kayden refused to sleep in hers (up every hour the first night and from 12-2am screaming the second) and Keeley escaped. Keeley came out of the room saying "I bounced away Mommy". She had bounced her bed to our bed and then thrown her leg up there and climbed out.

We went to ride a little train through the forest and saw some deer. Keeley requested to sit next to Uncle Brent her "best friend" and Kayden squirmed until she was able to pick her own seat, several rows away from everyone else - but closer to the horses.

She still didn't sit still on the train ride and I had a tough time corraling her as everytime I put my hand on her, she would furrow her brow, move my hand, and say "no". Independent much?
Uncle Brent's train ticket won us some free cotton candy which the girls both enjoyed.

You can see Keeley was a bit concerned about her hands getting dirty so she wrapped the cotton candy in a baby wipe to keep her hands sticky free. Does anyone else's 2 year old do that?!?

The second day was pretty rainy all day so we weren't able to do much. The girls didn't seem to mind though. I really think that if they could have played in muddy puddles all weekend they would have been happy!!

Hopefully, we'll be able to make this a yearly event. The girls loved getting to spend so much time with Grandma and Oma...and of course Uncle Brent!