Growing up, anytime my brother and I did anything that was a big deal, Mom sang the "proud of you song." I honestly have no idea if she made it up or if she got it from somewhere. But it was always the same. As we got older, we pretended not to care or even that we didn't want her to sing it. Maybe we always did that and I can only remember the older years. Regardless, I did love hearing it and I sing it to my girls now.
Kayden loves it. She smiles really big the whole time you are singing it. Keeley has never, not even once, let me sing the entire song without saying "NOOOOO" and waving her hands. I keep telling myself that she loves hearing it just as much as I did. After all, she won't let me sing anything...
This past Thursday, Keeley was having her baby doll, Cassie, go potty. Cassie ended up in the toilet. I was completely grossed out. She got washed immediately and I decided that the girls needed to have a little potty for their dolls so that won't happen again. This morning, I gave the girls the new potty (along with some other new doll things). They set up camp in their tent and I left the room. A few minutes later, I hear the little potty flush and Keeley started singing the "proud of you" song. It was so cute.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Baby Boy
Apparently, this little baby boy is going to be just as good at keeping us on our toes as his big sisters. From the start, this pregnancy has been different. I haven't felt good. Now, I am counting my blessings for not being as sick as many of my friends have been, but I certainly felt much better with the girls! I also have been ridiculously tired. First trimesters are supposed to be rough and I know you are supposed to be tired. But I wasn't even this tired with Kayden (and Keeley was only 5.5 months old when I got pregnant so you know I wasn't sleeping through the night yet!). I'm also experiencing this weird insomnia where it is difficult for me to sleep between 1am and 4am...
I had all these plans when we found out I was pregnant. I wasn't going to tell anyone until the second trimester and I was going to eat better and exercise more diligently than I did with the girls. Well, 6.5 weeks into the pregnancy, I end up at the ER with bleeding so I have to tell immediate family so Kelly can take me to the hospital and someone can stay with the girls. Then I get, and stay, really sick so I don't ever want to eat. AND, I'm put on bed rest for a couple of weeks so I can't exercise.
Still planning to wait on announcing the baby to the "world", I plan to wait until the 12 week ultrasound. At 8 weeks, my bleeding stopped and the baby looked good so we did tell friends and family. At 10.5 weeks, I end up back at the ER for some more bleeding and cramping...everything is fine, thankfully! At 12 weeks, everything looked good and the baby appeared to be a boy. We announce to the "world".
One week later, I'm back in the ER at 3am with heavy bleeding, convinced I have miscarried. I haven't, thankfully, and the baby seems unconcerned by all the drama I'm experiencing. He's just kicking away growing right on schedule. Numerous medical professionals and several ultrasounds have confirmed that all seems fine...even though the bleeding and bed rest persist.
To sum up the past 14 weeks, 3 days for baby boy: 3 ER trips, 7 ultrasounds, complete control over mom's activities, controlling how much time Mom can spend with big sisters. Most exciting though, I felt him move for the first time two nights ago! I think he is doing his part to make sure no one forgets about him!
I had all these plans when we found out I was pregnant. I wasn't going to tell anyone until the second trimester and I was going to eat better and exercise more diligently than I did with the girls. Well, 6.5 weeks into the pregnancy, I end up at the ER with bleeding so I have to tell immediate family so Kelly can take me to the hospital and someone can stay with the girls. Then I get, and stay, really sick so I don't ever want to eat. AND, I'm put on bed rest for a couple of weeks so I can't exercise.
Still planning to wait on announcing the baby to the "world", I plan to wait until the 12 week ultrasound. At 8 weeks, my bleeding stopped and the baby looked good so we did tell friends and family. At 10.5 weeks, I end up back at the ER for some more bleeding and cramping...everything is fine, thankfully! At 12 weeks, everything looked good and the baby appeared to be a boy. We announce to the "world".
One week later, I'm back in the ER at 3am with heavy bleeding, convinced I have miscarried. I haven't, thankfully, and the baby seems unconcerned by all the drama I'm experiencing. He's just kicking away growing right on schedule. Numerous medical professionals and several ultrasounds have confirmed that all seems fine...even though the bleeding and bed rest persist.
To sum up the past 14 weeks, 3 days for baby boy: 3 ER trips, 7 ultrasounds, complete control over mom's activities, controlling how much time Mom can spend with big sisters. Most exciting though, I felt him move for the first time two nights ago! I think he is doing his part to make sure no one forgets about him!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Kayden is almost 20 months old and continues to amaze me with her verbal skills. The other day Mom was over watching the girls. Kayden was trying to put her doll (Abby) in the stroller (to go to Stroller Strides...) and it wasn't working like she wanted it to. She told Oma, "Abby not cooperating". That is a lot of syllables for a little person!
She has also started counting. It started like this "one...two". Yesterday she started saying "one, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!" I tried to convince her she forgot some numbers but she was set on her way. I'm not sure what happened to the two that knew followed one before...
Today, her counting was "one, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen".
2,3,4 aren't important right?
She has also started counting. It started like this "one...two". Yesterday she started saying "one, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!" I tried to convince her she forgot some numbers but she was set on her way. I'm not sure what happened to the two that knew followed one before...
Today, her counting was "one, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen".
2,3,4 aren't important right?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I received a call today from Keeley's school. Every day at carpool, I have an opportunity to talk with her teachers so it is not often that I receive a call. We've had a little regression this week at home with her potty training (I think largely due to the fact that I have been laying down most of the time and this is upsetting to her.) So, when I received the call, I was a little apprehensive at first. However, it was a wonderful call!!
Mrs. Sutton, the lead teacher of the toddlers, has been talking with the lead teacher of the primary (3-6yr olds) students about Keeley. She told me today that, even though she's not quite three, it appears as though she is ready to move up to the primary classroom! It is so heartwarming to hear good things about your kiddo. Mrs. Sutton said that Keeley is very aware of her environment, can concentrate for really long periods of times, is social, and well adjusted to the environment. She also said that she feels Keeley is really nurturing and loves to help take care of the younger kids in the toddler community. Because Keeley is the oldest at home and is filling that role at school too, Mrs. Sutton thought it would be nice to have the cycle completed with Keeley being taken care of as well.
Needless to say, I was thrilled. Kelly and I think she will do very well in the primary environment. We're excited about the teachers she will have and she will be moving up with one of her best friends from school. We are preparing for some sadness as Keeley leaves behind some of her friends but are certain she'll be thrilled with the primary class once she gets settled.
Hopefully, she'll feel similarly to the way that she felt when Kelly suggested a change in play the other day. She paused after the suggestion and said, "Oh. That will be different. That could be fun."
Also, because Keeley will be moving out of the toddler community, there will be room for Kayden to start. Look out world...Kayden is a whole different can of worms than big sister!!
Mrs. Sutton, the lead teacher of the toddlers, has been talking with the lead teacher of the primary (3-6yr olds) students about Keeley. She told me today that, even though she's not quite three, it appears as though she is ready to move up to the primary classroom! It is so heartwarming to hear good things about your kiddo. Mrs. Sutton said that Keeley is very aware of her environment, can concentrate for really long periods of times, is social, and well adjusted to the environment. She also said that she feels Keeley is really nurturing and loves to help take care of the younger kids in the toddler community. Because Keeley is the oldest at home and is filling that role at school too, Mrs. Sutton thought it would be nice to have the cycle completed with Keeley being taken care of as well.
Needless to say, I was thrilled. Kelly and I think she will do very well in the primary environment. We're excited about the teachers she will have and she will be moving up with one of her best friends from school. We are preparing for some sadness as Keeley leaves behind some of her friends but are certain she'll be thrilled with the primary class once she gets settled.
Hopefully, she'll feel similarly to the way that she felt when Kelly suggested a change in play the other day. She paused after the suggestion and said, "Oh. That will be different. That could be fun."
Also, because Keeley will be moving out of the toddler community, there will be room for Kayden to start. Look out world...Kayden is a whole different can of worms than big sister!!

Kayden is pretty darn cute if I do say so myself. She makes the funniest faces and does the craziest things now. One thing she really, really doesn't like to do is sleep. Tonight, 40 minutes after we put her down, Kelly walked down the hall and heard "skidamrink doo. i love you." over and over. She was singing Skidamirink to her babies or herself. I'd rather she have been sleeping, but it was awfully cute!

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Speaking her mind
After dinner this evening, Keeley was reading out loud in the living room while Kelly and I cleaned up and talked in the kitchen. Suddenly she said "I'm having a hard time reading." I said "Why are you having a hard time, baby?" Her response? "I'm having a hard time when you talk like that." Heaven forbid someone have a conversation while she is trying to read!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Coming soon...
After being pretty much 100% certain that we were done having children, Kelly and I decided to try for a third. Almost immediately following this decision, I found out I was pregnant. Kelly's response when I told him "we're good at this"! I suppose we are. I had an ultrasound on Monday and am 12.5 weeks so we are telling the "world".
Bigger surprise, even to us, this little peanut is a BOY. They told me not to paint the nursery yet, because it is still a little early to be sure, but the tech was over 90% certain and she's only been wrong 1 time in the last 10 years. So, while we may not be painting the nursery, we are certainly starting to think of boy names.
The girls seem to be handling it pretty well. Kayden talks about how she will be a big sister when the baby in my tummy gets here and yesterday Keeley climbed in my lap to snuggle with the baby. Hopefully this will be a good sign of things to come...
Bigger surprise, even to us, this little peanut is a BOY. They told me not to paint the nursery yet, because it is still a little early to be sure, but the tech was over 90% certain and she's only been wrong 1 time in the last 10 years. So, while we may not be painting the nursery, we are certainly starting to think of boy names.
The girls seem to be handling it pretty well. Kayden talks about how she will be a big sister when the baby in my tummy gets here and yesterday Keeley climbed in my lap to snuggle with the baby. Hopefully this will be a good sign of things to come...
Keeley has continued her interesting outfit choices. They are less frequent now, however, because she wears a uniform to school and then likes to change into pjs for her nap and the rest of the day. We still get some great pictures of her enjoying dress up though!
Here she is getting ready to ride her tricycle. You will notice that even Kayden is a bit confused...

Wearing my veil and a tutu....

Her grandma hat that she is obsessed with, a scarf, and several necklaces to wear with her dress...
She also has a pretty sweet smile that I'm in love with! She is usually cuddling with something. The first one here is her penguin and then her baby dolls.

And, of course, she continues to be quite helpful. Uncle Kendall got her some fun sponges from Germany for Christmas to play with in the shower. She decided to clean the shower. I'm all for it! I hate cleaning the shower!
That green blur is the sponge. She worked her way all the way around the shower. Everything up to three feet was very clean that night!
Here she is getting ready to ride her tricycle. You will notice that even Kayden is a bit confused...
Wearing my veil and a tutu....
Her grandma hat that she is obsessed with, a scarf, and several necklaces to wear with her dress...
Kayden is a funny little kid. It is really interesting to see the ways she is like Keeley and the ways she is totally her own child. When she is happy, her smile can melt your heart.

When she is not happy, I often want to claim she is not mine. There is no middle ground with this child. She is all smiles or we get this (complete with full tantrum flailing on the ground).

She was much slower to get into dressing than Keeley was. But she does have some interesting ideas. First, I'm confused as to how she became obsessed with purses. Most kids probably do this to mimic their moms, but I never carry a purse. Ever. I'm not sure I even own one. She frequently carries one however, and often it is with her stroller.
She also likes to wear Keeley's panties. She is completely unconcerned with the fact that she doesn't need them or if she wears them over her clothes.
However, more than anything, Kayden's true joy is being naked. Most of the time I can convince her to keep her diaper on. She is beginning to perfect the skill of taking the diaper off though and that leads to a more frequent naked Kayden. She likes to wear my shoes when she is naked. Really, really makes me laugh.
I've edited for some modesty. Even though she isn't concerned with it, I figure I should still look out for her! You'll notice she is wearing my socks and my shoes. When she put them on, she said "stroller strides". Also made me laugh. Those are the shoes I wear to stroller strides, but we obviously weren't going with her naked and wearing my shoes!
And, finally, eating. Who wouldn't want to eat yogurt naked and then try to climb on to the table. I think we will have to start working on modesty at some point!
She was much slower to get into dressing than Keeley was. But she does have some interesting ideas. First, I'm confused as to how she became obsessed with purses. Most kids probably do this to mimic their moms, but I never carry a purse. Ever. I'm not sure I even own one. She frequently carries one however, and often it is with her stroller.

And, finally, eating. Who wouldn't want to eat yogurt naked and then try to climb on to the table. I think we will have to start working on modesty at some point!

Friday, January 8, 2010
Keeley really loves her pacifiers. She only gets one for nap and for nighttime but I still dread taking them away from her. She is the better of the two girls for sleep and I fear that she will not sleep as well when we take it away.
Yesterday, I had Kayden's dentist appointment (great review!) and talked to the dentist for a minute about Keeley. Since she is so much more aware of what is being said, I wanted to ask some questions without her there. My main concern being that we are supposed to be done with the paci when she goes later this month and we are not. I told him that she sucks on her fingers if she gets really stressed and I'm afraid that taking away the paci will make her do this at night (when I can't see it to stop it). We talked through some options and he said he would look at her appointment to see what he thinks.
Today, Keeley told me right before nap "I'm not going to have a paci for nap. You and Dad do not." I said okay. She changed her mind.
Then, shortly into her nap, she brought me her paci and said "It is doing a funny thing when I suck on it so I don't want it when I sleep." She didn't ask for another one at the store or anything. She left it with me for a few minutes. Then she changed her mind and came back to get it.
I didn't talk to Keeley about the paci or do anything to her paci yesterday. All of this is her. Perhaps we aren't so far from being done with it after all. Or, perhaps, she'll change her mind again!
Yesterday, I had Kayden's dentist appointment (great review!) and talked to the dentist for a minute about Keeley. Since she is so much more aware of what is being said, I wanted to ask some questions without her there. My main concern being that we are supposed to be done with the paci when she goes later this month and we are not. I told him that she sucks on her fingers if she gets really stressed and I'm afraid that taking away the paci will make her do this at night (when I can't see it to stop it). We talked through some options and he said he would look at her appointment to see what he thinks.
Today, Keeley told me right before nap "I'm not going to have a paci for nap. You and Dad do not." I said okay. She changed her mind.
Then, shortly into her nap, she brought me her paci and said "It is doing a funny thing when I suck on it so I don't want it when I sleep." She didn't ask for another one at the store or anything. She left it with me for a few minutes. Then she changed her mind and came back to get it.
I didn't talk to Keeley about the paci or do anything to her paci yesterday. All of this is her. Perhaps we aren't so far from being done with it after all. Or, perhaps, she'll change her mind again!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Be careful what you say...
The girls and I have been talking a lot about the baby coming. I talk about how Keeley will be a big sister to two and how Kayden will be a big sister and a little sister when the baby comes. We don't talk about it every day by any means, but have talked about it several times a week since we told the girls a couple of weeks ago.
Tonight I was rocking with Kayden during our special time and telling her things I love about her. We were talking about how she's such a sweet little sister to Keeley and I said "and you will be a wonderful big sister soon too". She took her paci out, looked at me and said "baby. tummy." Just about floored me! She's only 19 months. I didn't think she really understood when I told her there was a baby coming!!!!
Tonight I was rocking with Kayden during our special time and telling her things I love about her. We were talking about how she's such a sweet little sister to Keeley and I said "and you will be a wonderful big sister soon too". She took her paci out, looked at me and said "baby. tummy." Just about floored me! She's only 19 months. I didn't think she really understood when I told her there was a baby coming!!!!
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