Killian is going to school Tuesday-Thursday in the mornings so we started him the next day. Things did not go as smoothly. He really, really loves his pajamas. Really just about three pairs of his pajamas and wears them all the time. He changes out of nighttime pajamas into daytime pajamas sometimes and sometimes just wears the nighttime pajamas all day. So, it was quite a rude awakening when I told him he did, in fact, have to go to school. Last night when I told him about school for him, he simply looked at me and said, "no thanks". This morning he kept saying, "no school me." When it was finally time to get dressed, there was a major mutiny. Fortunately for all concerned, this is my third go around with these battles. Instead of fighting, I just loaded him up like this.
I was very hopeful that he would allow me to dress him when we got to school. Even if he didn't, I wasn't worried. Because we go to Montessori schools, they are all about promoting independence and I knew he'd get dressed for them when we got there. Kayden went to her toddler class a handful of times in just a diaper because she, too, refused to get dressed.
Fortunately, when we got to school, he let me get him dressed and take some pictures of him.
At the school, the toddler classroom introduces the children to the environment slowly. That means a few shortened days with Mom there. Then a few shortened days when Mom leaves after a bit. Then a few shortened days all by himself. Then a full day (well, just the morning for him) all by himself. I love the theory of this and I love it for this particular Momma's boy too.
The children have outdoor work time for about an hour when they first get to school. There are regular play items and also more practical life type activities. Killian loved filling up his watering can from the bucket and filling up the bird bath.
He also loved experimenting with sink and float items in the water tub.
Beautiful play area surrounded by trees and with a few of the school's creek. Perfect for a toddler.

Passed out on the floor. He refused to get into his crib so we laid on the floor together until he fell asleep. Sweet baby.