For Thanksgiving we went down to Houston to spend time with the extended family. We were planning on having a Thanksgiving lunch with Oma and Grossmama and then headed to my cousins' for dessert. We were making Oreo truffles. The kids like sprinkles. Lots and lots of sprinkles.

We started out early on Thanksgiving morning and arrived right around lunch. Before we left we had ordered Boston Market that was picked up by Oma and Grossmama so lunch was ready when we arrived!
Oma read to the kids while we got the food all plated for lunch. |
After we ate, Kelly took Killian into the bedroom to try to take a nap and the rest of us read and played and rested. Killian actually took a really long nap. Kelly woke up and came out and let me go back there and rest with him for a bit. After everyone woke up we had a light snack dinner and headed out to play for a bit and then over to my cousin's house.
When we got there, the two girls (2nd and 3rd grade) were making some cute snacks and my girls joined right in.
Killian headed straight up to the playroom and wanted the playhouse, and the dinosaurs. Kenna was watching him place all the dinosaurs.
Our girls and Maren were upstairs playing Fibber. Adorable. I think Maren enjoyed being the "boss" because she hung out with my girls and was the oldest of the three. :)
Keeley enjoyed Kenna's lizard. Yuck!
We love Grossmama so much. Coloring with Killian...
Such a great trip! We loaded up and headed back up to our house. It was a long day but we don't sleep well in hotels so we decided it was better to make it a long day and have everyone sleep well in their own beds. Other than the fact that Killian woke up about 15 minutes from home and started screaming, which woke up the girls, and then Kayden started fussing for him to be quiet, the plan was great!