This is Keeley going to the door to greet her play date guests. Do you see the shoes? I have no idea why she insisted on wearing two that didn't match and then carrying another around. She wore those two shoes the entire playdate.
Keeley has decided that she should be pushed around in any container. She climbed into her toy bin (full of toys) and started signing "more".
As she was getting pushed around in her car, she had a few items she insisted on picking up. She would say "ooo, ooo, oooo" and sign "more" until we stopped and she picked them up. She is clearly not happy with me for taking her picture!
Yes, she is wearing 4 hats. She kept putting them on. I have no idea how that obsession got started because she used to hate hats when she was little.
So serious. That is her penguin that her Uncle Kendall got us when he was in China. She decided that it needed to be carried in Maggie's empty dog bowl.
Best ride ever! Keeley has started sitting in the laundry basket and signing "more" whenever you find her. I can't pick her up in it so she just gets scooted around when I'm home. Dad can pick her up though and give both her and her teddy bear a ride.
She has started to really like stuffed animals and carry them around with her. Her favorite is this learning puppy from her grandma. She likes to carry it on her hip while she "vacuums" with her vacuum. The only unfortunate thing about this is that the puppy makes noise everywhere you touch it - and the vacuum does too. You can definitely hear her coming!
This is a true testament to how strong willed our little one is. She seems to believe that she can exist solely on milk and strawberries. I've started having to restrict the times that she is allowed to have milk. When she asks for it at a time that she shouldn't be having it, I tell her she can have water and give her a cup of water. This is usually met with an angry face and pushed away. Today, however, she was thirsty. She took the water and drank from it for a few moments. Then, as if to prove that she really was angry and that she really wanted milk, she put the cup in the dog bowl.
Then, she went to the cabinet and got Kelly's hockey water bottle and with a smug little look, took that into the living room. I guess she felt she was besting me.
You'll notice she is walking to the door. This made her decide that she wanted to go outside. It was not time to go outside because I was in the middle of laundry and trying to go take a shower. I told her we couldn't go outside. She proceeded to follow me around with my flip flops. Every time I stopped, she would throw them down, sign "more" and say "out". The other day, she made Kelly wear his all day. Every time he took them off, she would put them at his feet and sign "more". If he didn't put them on, she would put her foot in one as if showing him how to do it.
She definitely keeps us on our toes!
As I am reading this blog, I am reminded of "When You Give a Mouse a Cookie." "When Keeley did this it reminded her that she needed to do this...." It made me smile:)
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