Well, Keeley has had a few meltdowns. Friday afternoon she got pretty upset (that was the first day Kelly had been back at work). It is funny because she doesn't get mad at me or at Kayden in particular, she just gets frustrated. She cried for a LONG time. Serious crying where she squatted down and cried with big breaks as she gathered enough air for the next crying spell. At one point, she did get mad at me and stomped off to the computer room saying "dada, dada, dada". She got up here and looked around to realize that Kelly wasn't here. The crying started again. Mom suggested that I let her play in water. That worked like a charm - until she fell off the stool. Oh well. We are bound to have a few rough days!

Overall though, she really, really seems to love Kayden. The first thing she does when she gets home from being gone with one of us or when she gets up from a nap is ask to see the baby. She also shares EVERYTHING with her - even a hat and her favorite book.

Adjusting to life with two is so different that I imagined but we are having so much fun too. It certainly seems less overwhelming to parent the second one than it did the first. We are both less stressed about all the newborn care issues. In fact, the other night Kayden lost her umbilical cord. I don't know when. I called Kelly when I woke up and asked him if he had changed her diaper during the night. When he said no, I told him there was a missing cord because she had it when she went to bed and it was gone now! Gross!
We are trying really hard to make sure that Keeley still has lots of one on one time and I think that is helping her adjustment. Here are some cute pictures of the girls enjoying the weekend.

Today will be my first outing with both the girls where I actually get them out of the car. I have had two trial runs loading them into the car - one to the drive through and one to take the dogs to the vet. We'll see how getting them out of the car goes. Also, it should be interesting to see how Keeley does during Kayden's check-up.
She looks a woman on the go in the last two pics:)!
ReplyDeleteLove you,
they're so cute! can't wait to see y'all today:)
ReplyDeleteCan you have cuter kids?!?