Keeley has learned to point. I know, she's a little late. For a long time, she's been holding her hand toward things and saying "ooh ooh ooh" when she wanted it. I guess we said "you want that" a lot. So, with the newly acquired skill of pointing, we also get "da" for "that". She says it 50 million times a day. I swear that both her pointer fingers are permanently extended. She says "da" as she points at whatever it is she sees. If you don't respond quickly enough, it turns into "ooh ooh ooh" and then to foot stomping and crying.
Here she is pointing at something behind me.

Here she is pointing at something in the water.

The endless pointing and "da" wears everyone out - even little Kayden.
Maybe she's just trying to bring out her inner Russian. Perhaps next she'll declare "NYET!" when she doesn't want something :)