That is the time that Kayden has decided lately that she needs to wake up and be awake for an hour or so. Annoying. She doesn't even really eat at that time and she isn't grumpy until you leave. She simply wants to be awake and have your attention. I suppose she knows she'll get undivided attention since Keeley is still sleeping.
This morning, however, she refused to go back to sleep. I was up every 15 to 20 minutes from 4 until 6:10 when I finally just resigned myself to the fact that I would be awake for the day. Unfortunately, Keeley also decided to start the day then (I think probably because it had been so loud for so long). Here is a summary of the greatness that is a day starting at 4 am:
1. Kayden takes 3 naps a day usually. Today, two of those three were over by 11:06.
2. While changing Kayden's diaper, I hear Keeley start crying. She actually sounded hurt so I quickly moved Kayden to a safe spot and ran to her. She was standing over the powerstrip in the computer room holding her fingers and crying. Great.
3. Keeley decided to eat deodorant and then try to put some in Kayden's eye/mouth/nose while I was in the shower.
4. I look at the clock thinking it must be close to lunch time only to realize it is just 9:30.
5. We are into "no". I realize this is likely to be a long phase. Today it was "no" when I asked if she wanted to try on her new shoes, to brush her hair, to put her hair up....So, we went to the park looking like a ragamuffin.
6. I scream upon discovering a small gecko in my living room. He got into our house last week. When I tried to catch him right after he got in, Keeley wanted to help. It is hard to sneak up on a gecko with a toddler. I guess we don't have enough bugs to keep him full because he was pretty close to dead. When I realized he wasn't moving, I nudged the towel toward him just to make sure he really was dead. Still no movement. No movement until I put a bowl on top of him. Then he started flailing widely about and I screamed again - scaring both girls. Finally I kicked him outside. He is definitely dead now and it will likely be picked up by Keeley next time we go out back.
7. I tried to take Keeley's tray off her high chair with one hand after she finished eating. Normally I can do this. Today, however, was not to be that day. I had Kayden in my lap so I couldn't do anything but watch it fall to the floor. Because Keeley eats so little, it was quite a bit of food. The dogs quickly ran over to help in the clean up process. (Something tells me that the large amount of dried blueberry, turkey, cheese, banana, applesauce, and cinnamon raisin bread they ate before I could stop them is going to come back to haunt us.) When it fell, I said "oh no." Keeley has now said "oh no" about 100 times in the 2 hours that followed. This is the first set of 2 words she has said together.
8. Kayden doesn't feel well so she has the humidifier in her room. Keeley is terrified of it. So, every time Keeley follows me into Kayden's room (which would be every time I go in there for those of you that are wondering), she cowers next to me ensuring that my body is between her and the humidifier at all times. She clings to my legs while peering between them. When I turn to leave, she insists on being carried out.
9. It is raining. I actually like the rain. I do not like the rain when it means I have to deal with dogs inside all day. I also do not like the rain because it means that going outside or to the park with Keeley is a bit more challenging.
10. Best thing that happened today so far: Keeley started referring to herself. She calls herself a cross between "geee" and "keee" :-)