Keeley now refers to herself as a cross between Gee and Kee and she has started referring to Kayden as GaGee/Kee. Too cute.
Kayden is 5 months old now. While I don't know her specific stats since this isn't a month to visit with the doctor, I do know that she is barely fitting in her 6 month clothes and now shares diaper size with Keeley.
This has been a big developmental month for Kayden. She is sitting unsupported, pushing up to all 4s to rock back and forth, and moving her legs in a crawling motion to propel herself forward. As soon as she figures out her hands she'll be off! She also just learned to pull her monkey toy in her carseat on her own. Raspberry blowing is a newly acquired noise she makes (and she is a really noisy little one!)
The dogs have started to be interesting to her as well. Recently she was watching Carbo chew on a toy. He stopped and shook his head and she thought it was hilarious and laughed out loud. Kelly and I can make her laugh but Keeley can do it much more easily! Kayden just loves her big sister so much.
Laughs and smiles continue to be frequent as is her babbling. She is a very happy, easy going baby so far. Everyone comments about how smiley she is. She is such a joy and it is so much fun to watch the two girls together.
What a CUTIE!