She is fearless though. Completely fearless.
And, last but certainly not least. She pulled herself OUT of the bath tub not once or twice but FOUR times tonight before we decided bath time was really over for her. She leans herself forward and hikes her legs up until she gets enough leverage to slide her slippery little body right over the edge into your lap. Then she smiles and laughs like it was the most fun she's ever had. Oh my are we ever in for it with this one!
I also fear she will not love her crib as Keeley does. When Keeley is tired, frustrated, overwhelmed, hurt, has hurt Kayden, etc. she says "crib" and will go play in there for 20-30 minutes at a time. Kayden gets mad when we approach her room and will throw all her dolls and pacifiers out of the crib (while yelling and crying) if she doesn't want to take a nap. With her latest bathtub escapade, I'm sure we will soon have a jail break from the crib as well!
The pic with the two girls in the end table is just SO SO cute!