She is becoming more and more verbal - both in the words she uses and the amount of words she uses to convey certain ideas. The doctor laughs at her because she understands so much of what is going on. When we were at the office yesterday for her check-up, she kept pointing to her mouth and then to the cabinet where the suckers were and saying "more".
Her stats:
* Weight - 23.9 (61%)
* Height - 31 (67%)
* Head 18.75 (90%)...apparently she has a big head!!
and she really is SUPER strong. Rose, our nurse, actually had to reposition her hands a couple of times when giving the shots because she couldn't hold Kayden's legs still.
She is very, very much in love with Keeley and is a very different little kid when it is just her. Keeley had her first week of school this week and it has been a bit traumatic for Kayden when we drop Keeley off every day. She tries to get out of her seat when Keeley is getting out and then points after her and says "Keeley" when the teachers take her inside.
Last week we were trying all of Keeley's clothes on for school and Kayden insisted on wearing a uniform too. Here she is saying "cheese" for the camera in Keeley's uniform.
I like the look Keeley is giving her...