This year we went down to Houston for Thanksgiving. My Gramma and Grampa (Grossmama and Grosspapa to the girls) live there along with two of my mom's siblings and lots, and lots of cousins. The girls had so much fun at Nichole's house (thank you for hosting) and I loved getting to spend so much time with the family. Here are some highlights.
The Culhane girls and the Madison girls. I love the looks on the faces of the big sisters.

Why Keeley is licking her lips is beyond me since she didn't really eat any of her food.

Kayden giving a "what?" look at the picture taker (taking after her big sister I think!)

They were both saving room for dad's pie :-)

Cuddling with Oma in the best chair ever!

Playing outside with Grosspapa and the cousins. Grosspapa gave the best pushes on this roller coaster!

Taking care of the baby.

Grocery shopping with the babies

And, my favorite thing about this trip, Kayden adopted Ben.

This is Nichole's husband and Kayden decided that he needed to read to her. She plopped down next to him and just kept handing her books. You can tell he didn't mind too much! How cute are they! (and, yes, that is chocolate cake on Kayden's face. She is enthusiastic about everything in life)
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