For a while I think it was because of reflux we didn't know she had. Just as we were finally getting that under control, she learned how to get out of her crib quickly and it has been a horrific week since then. She comes out of her room, bangs on the door, slams her drawers, gets undressed, gets redressed, calls for us when her diaper "comes of", jumps from her chair into her crib... We've taken to camping out just outside her door so that we can monitor how much she bothers Keeley and quickly put her back in her room.
Last night, we put her down at 7 (normal bedtime) from 7-9 she played rather loudly in her room but didn't come out. At 9, she called us because her diaper "came off". Kelly went in there to put it back on. This caused 45 minutes, yes, forty five solid minutes of crying and screaming because Kelly put it back on and Kayden wanted me to do it. After about an hour after the crying started, I went to check on her (it was 10 and she had been quiet for a while and we wanted to go to sleep!) This was how we found her.
You would think that perhaps she might have slept in the next morning. Being that she stayed up for 3 extra hours and cried/screamed for 45 solid minutes. You would be wrong. Kelly and I woke up at 5:45 this morning to both girls playing in Keeley's room with all lights on in both of their rooms.
Perhaps, you might think she took a good nap today. No. Just under 2 hours.
Maybe she went to bed nicely tonight. No. Solid 45 minutes of screaming and crying because I wouldn't rock with her. Now, instead of coming out of her room she will crack the door just wide enough to see that we are there and can hear her crying and then she goes and climbs in her crib. I swear this child is too smart for her own good.
This is not what I consider fun!!! I need more sleep!
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