Kelly and I were supposed to leave early Saturday morning to fly to Vegas for our half marathon. And then I got the news that the girls' Christmas program was going to be the same day. I tried to make the flights work but it was getting stressful and I was just about to give up on making it work. And then I got the news that Kayden was going to be a sheep in the program and Keeley started singing her song with all the hand motions all the time. I got on the phone and figured out how to get it all arranged because there was no way I was missing Keeley singing "Go and tell" and Kayden singing "Jingle Bells" and "Baa baa black sheep" in her sheep costume. It was adorable and I'm so glad we rearranged our trip and stayed. Keeley sang proudly and Kayden was just adorable. It was also really cute to watch the girls watch each other. They stood up and waved at each other. So fun.
Kayden posing in all black. Her sheep costume was at the church. |
Keeley in her program dress. I purchased 3 and let the girls pick. This was the one Keeley picked because it was the most white - which is her current favorite color. As soon as she tried it on, she told me she needed a headband. I did not find the headband she described (red or purple with a red rose) but she settled for this white one since it is her favorite color. |
Kayden in her sheep costume (minus the ears that she didn't want to wear). She was so proud of her costume because she got to help make it with "my big kids". |
Keeley would not let go of Oma until Ella arrived (in pink). Ella is her best friend even though they got off to a rough start when "Ella pushed my ear into the tree on the playground". They are inseparable now and wait until the other is finished working at school so that they can share their snack. |
You can hardly see it, but there is a very precocious 2.5 year old slowly pulling the sign of the pew. She also tasted her costume. I think the performance ended just before we had some real problems on our hands! |
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