Kayden likes to experience life first hand. She will observe in the classroom and occasionally at home. But, if you had to pick a way to describe her it would certainly include some mention of the fact that she appears fearless (except when water is involved) and energetic. While I admire her zest for life, I do sometimes grow a bit weary of all the injury she inflicts upon herself.
The above is a black eye. Lots of kids get hurt doing kid things like falling off their bikes, running into each other playing, tripping....This injury occurred because Kayden wanted to stand on the end of her doll bed. When she did that, the other end popped up and, unfortunately for her, was just the length to pop her in the eye. I heard the screams, ran to the room, and Keeley filled me in on how the damage occurred.
A mere one week later this occurred.
The top lip is cut, the canine knocked loose, there is a tiny cut where the tooth actually went through the skin just under her lower lip. |
Corner of our bed where the injury occurred. Can you see the teeth marks? |
How did that happen you might ask? Was it a game of tag? Tripping while trying to get to the dog food or wearing her high heels? No. Kayden had climbed on top of my exercise ball while holding on to the post of the bed and the learning tower on the other side of the ball. Once standing, she decided to let go of her supports. She learned an important lesson - a ball will roll.
Note Kelly left the girls the next morning with their breakfasts. Keeley on the little ball in the learning tower (seated) and Kayden standing on the big exercise ball. |
She was so very brave and ended up with stitches in her lip. They gave her versed and some motrin and she hardly flinched when they gave her the shots to numb it and during the stitching. I have to give her credit for how well she handles her injuries. Hopefully this will be our "major incident" for this year. We've had one each year of her life - her finger year one, her nose year two, and now this.
I say hopefully, although I'm not entirely sure that is realistic. The very next day I walked into discover this.
She stacked all those bins from IKEA (read: not sturdy at all) between her bed and dresser so she could have a "bridge" to walk on. I just looked at her thinking, "why do you need a bridge to walk between two places you shouldn't be standing on?!"
One of many I am afraid to say!! She keeps having these "Freudian" slip ups and you know she will have to get them right! Yikes!!! Lots of prayers needed for your little "dare devil"!