Time is flying by with this little guy! I cannot believe he is six months already. Here are a few of the "big" milestones from the last month -
10/17 - Sitting well unsupported
10/18 - reaching and trying to get items to him with raking motion
10/19 - turning body to follow girls when they leave the room
10/28- rolled over in his sleep
He is also transferring items between his hands well and he'll "sing" if you are singing to him. He just recently started putting both his hands on the sides of my face and then putting his big open mouth on my cheeks. Not sure if that is a kiss or if he is trying to eat me but I think it is sweet either way. He loves his sisters and is really starting to try to interact with them - hair pulling included! Killian is still content to allow the world to come to him and is not so interested in getting to things. While he can roll over, he chooses not to 99.9% of the time. He will happily lay on his back and roll to his side or look around if placed on his tummy. Everything outside his reach can just be brought to him! He's turning into quite the flirt and loving all the attention he gets when we are out and about. He smiles and laughs and stick his tongue out at everyone we meet. He is very ticklish and loves to laugh. Cries are mainly only heard when he is just about to get his pjs on. Everything is fine until the transfer from bath towel to pjs actually occurs and then he gets super sad.
He is a growing boy who shows all the signs of being ready for solids. Unfortunately, he has only been pleased with the food on the spoon a handful of times. I've tried rice cereal, bananas, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Homemade and jarred. He's not interested. Growing boy refusing solids = a lot of nursing! He is 100% a momma's boy and flat out refuses a bottle. I have to remind myself that this is only a stage and it will pass soon. The other night Kelly tried to take a shift with him at night to let me get some sleep. Killian made it clear very quickly and very loudly that Dad was not welcome in his room at night!
Getting ready to play with some sweet potatoes. |
A friend suggested letting him "play" with the food to see if he was more interested in eating it. He was not. He did enjoy playing with it though and I enjoy naked shots when I can look at all those chubs :-) |
This is how he looks at things out of his reach. He's thinking, "I want that block. If I look at it long enough, one of those sisters of mine will probably come in here and give it to me. I certainly don't want to go all the way over there to get it." |
Sorting some laundry with me |
Shaking some clothes over his head. |
So interested in drinks. Can you see his tongue sticking out? |
Checking out "cousin" Claire. |
We were singing to him at breakfast. Look how happy he wakes up! |
Happy for his 6 month photo shoot :-) |
Big, beautiful eyes |
Group shot with sisters |
Sleeping half on his side with his leg in the air |
Look at all that extra to love |
First high chair experience on a "date" with Mom and Dad |
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