The girls both have tot clocks in there rooms. We love them and they are great for helping the girls with their rest times and wake up times in the mornings. They each know that in the morning they cannot come out of their rooms until their clocks are yellow. We have the clocks set to turn yellow at 6:30. That is a reasonable time based on when they go to sleep and their ages. There is an option for the clocks to play music at "wake up" time but I'm certainly not a fan of waking sleeping babies so we don't do that. Keeley is usually up before her clock and uses the time to get ready for the day - put her glasses and headband on, change her pjs... The instant it turns yellow she flings our door open and announces, "Wake up time, guys!" She used to also turn our light on but I put an end to that quickly!
This morning, following a very rough night with Killian, I woke up to silence at 7:10. Confused how all three of my kids were still sleeping, I stayed perfectly still in bed so as not to jinx it! About 10 minutes later Keeley came in the room still in her pajamas, with no glasses on, and an indignant look on her face. She then said, "MOM! My clock is yellow but I am still tired. What is wrong with my clock? I'm still tired." I told her that she could go back to sleep if she was tired. She huffed off and laid down in Kayden's room..I guess she wasn't that tired after all!
H-E-L-L-O!!! You know that is YOUR fault her clock doesn't realize that she is STILL tired!!=)