The annual bike-a-thon was moved to the Spring this year and we could not have asked for a more beautiful day. These two lucky girls had their daddy take the day off to help out and enjoy the morning with them. It is really so fun to see all the moms and dads that make their kids a priority and spend the morning at the event.
Wearing the shirts they decorated for the event. Keeley is really into tucking all her shirts in (even her pjs) and Kayden is starting to imitate it. They had to wear pants so their legs would be protected if they fell. It took some serious convincing of the girls. Kayden wears her jumper every day and Keeley wears her skort. And Keeley's hair looks crimped because she wanted it braided after bath the night before |
Daddy was a "hauler" so he drove to school early to help unload bikes during carpool. I took the girls to school and dropped them off, drove home to nurse brother, and then headed back up for the event with Killian in the wrap.
Anne Marie was there early too and she walked the kids in as her husband helped Kelly with bikes. |
There are two primary classes and the event is divided by "skill level." Because montessori primary classrooms span the 3-6 age range, there was quite a difference in the abilities of the kids. Some of the just barely three year olds were riding their tricycles and some of the 6+ kids were riding bikes with no training wheels. My girls were in different groups. Kayden's group rode first while Keeley's enjoyed the garden activities. The riders were allowed to stop and take "train rides" when they were tired. The "train rides" were the upper elementary kids pulling them in wagons all over campus. After they had done both of those things, they played on the playground. Kayden took one "train ride" and then spent the rest of the time riding. Almost one full hour of bike riding!!

In the school's garden, there were lots of activities: "fishing", "jewel" finding, leaf rubbing, rain gutter regata, seed planting, and a cookie walk. They had all the regular activities set up too, but why do your regular work when you could do new activities?!
Looking for jewels |
Leaf rubbing |
Rain gutter regata (cheating) |
Fishing |
The groups switched and Keeley rode a little, took a ride on the wagons, and then headed to the playground!
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