* 5:20 - Killian wakes up screaming. I go into check on him and have no idea what the problem is. I give him some medicine (he's cutting 4 teeth), love on him, and put him back in bed so I could go take a shower. He tried to go back to sleep but never made it there so I went and got him at 6:15 and attempt to finish getting ready with him.
* 6:35 - Keeley comes in to alert me to the fact that I need to change her sheets again (the ones I just changed the day before).
* 6:40 - Kayden wakes up grumpy.
I lose track of time at this point, but, by 7am, I am already wishing the day to be over. Nothing I had done from wake up time to that point was fast enough, the right thing, the right order...
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Killian while I'm making breakfast |
After our relaxing breakfast, I proceed to get the girls ready for swim lessons and attempt to entertain Killian. Swim lessons go just fine. We come home, play in the rain a little, and then I make lunch. Kayden and Keeley have been beyond giggly and silly lately. Kayden was too silly to eat. Killian goes down for his nap and all seems fine. The girls are playing, I am getting some work done in the kitchen and then it happens: The girls are about to go outside and all of the sudden Keeley tells me a gecko just got in the house. I ask where it is and Kayden says it just went behind the couch and," I think he's trying to get a yummy lunch because he sees a spider back there."
I really hate geckos and don't want to leave the kitchen for fear of getting too close to him. Keeley keeps saying, " Mom, what should we do?" Finally she decides to catch him and gets a plastic spoon and cup. After a few minutes I hear, "Don't tell, Mom." A little more whispering ensues and then I hear, "Mom? What should we do? I accidentally cut off his tail and it won't stop flopping around. It is kind of funny though..." I was too freaked out to go get it but know that we need to before Killian wakes up because he will certainly eat it. Every time I go near it, it flops and I scream. I finally decide to vacuum it up. I tell Keeley to go talk to Killian in his crib while I vacuum the tail up (he had just woken up). Tail gone, I put the vacuum away and walk in to see Keeley playing with Killian - on the floor. Apparently she can get him out of the crib. Wishing that hadn't been discovered...
We go to the store and I hope it is gone when we get home. Home about four minutes and Kayden says, "Mom, I think he's dead. He's not moving." She then blows on him. Not dead. He scurries away and they decide to play hide and seek with him. A few minutes later Kayden says, "Mom. We have a problem. We can't find him and he doesn't know how to talk to us and we can't tell him we give up."
Fortunately, Kelly comes home shortly after that. We eat dinner and I try to believe that the gecko is gone. Bathtime begins and I walk into the bathroom to see Killian's hand in the toilet. He quickly pulls it out, shows me the lip gloss of Kayden's that he had just dunked in there, throws the make up on the ground (his default when he is caught with something he is not supposed to have), and shoves his hand in his mouth. The same hand that had been in the toilet. Awesome day all around.
Carry on warrior!