We decided to try out the church's "trunk or treat" this year. The kids were excited about the chance to get extra candy and I was excited they had a chance to wear their costumes more than once!
Here'e my little butterfly. There were so many rules on the costume...no headbands (because she wanted to wear her own), no wand, no leggings....
Kayden found a really cute LaLaloopsy doll costume and decided she had to have it I was a bit confused because we don't have one of those dolls but she was insistent. We ordered it and when it arrived she tried it on. I was nervous because it was a full costume - complete with vest, shoe covers, and wig. Kayden tends to have sensory issues with clothing. She tried it all on and said it was fine and immediately wanted to cut the tags off. I told her that if we took the tags off, she had to keep and we would not be buying another one. She assured me that she wanted the costume. Fast forward a few weeks to the time to wear the costume...
Yep, refused to wear it. After some less than graceful moments on either of our parts, Daddy swooped in and got her dressed in different clothes. Happy Kayden and happy Mommy.
Killian still doesn't have many words, so he didn't get to pick his costume. Sisters decided he needed to be a spider. Probably the cutest spider ever.
All three ready to enter...
Once we got in, Killian was a little overwhelmed while sisters played and got candy. He had his sucker and was taking it all in.
After a little while, he wandered away from his sisters and this little girl saw him. She must of thought he was pretty cute because she kept trying to give him a hug. He kept backing away. Not sure what was troubling him, but he definitely did not want a hug!
After that drama. He spotted the snow cone van. He stared at it a long time.
And decided to have a seat and watch.
He kept patting the curb until I sat with him. Eventually Dad and sisters found us and then he had Dad sit next to him.
And sit some more. Enjoying his sucker, taking it all in, comfortable on his curb.
The girls enjoyed all the fun trunks. There were some pretty elaborate ones!
While the girls and I waited for the little train, Killian and Dad went to get some wipes to help us clean up the sticky snow cones.
Killian wanted to carry everyone's baskets. Man on a mission.
After the train it was time to go and we stopped to play a few games on the way out.
Love it! He was happy on a hip with candy in his hand :-) |