Killian was able to enjoy the holiday this year a little and the girls were so excited to go trick or treating. Here is my adorable crew. Dad is wearing Killian's spider hat. Killian wasn't so into it at that moment and was really irritated we wouldn't give him any of the candy to hand out.
No "cheese" for this camera shot. |
Eventually Mom gave in and let him have a sucker.
This kid doesn't quite know what to think of this Dad wearing a spider hat...
Girls did great and remembered their manners...we just had to work on them speaking up loud enough for the people to hear them. |
Killian headed home before the girls with Dad while Mom stayed out with the girls.
We made a lap around the neighborhood, stopped back home for a potty break and to dump our buckets, and then Keeley and I headed back out (a very tired Kayden made a good choice to stay home with Dad and Killan). Since it was getting pretty late, I told Keeley we would go to 5 more houses and then head home. That was a plan she agreed with so we set out. I assumed we would stop at the first 5 houses. I was wrong. We walked the entire neighborhood while she picked which 5 houses she would go approach. Twice we passed people on their driveways that offered her candy and she responded, "no thank you". Made me laugh the entire time. Funny little kids.
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