Oh my does this little guy keep us busy. He is at such a fun age, but also one that requires a tremendous amount of patience....
Checking out a tunnel outside the girls' gymnastics class. He certainly can't stay in building for the entire hour class! |
Playing in a basket, he reached for clothes in the closet, and fell onto a rubbermaid tub. He is always bruised and scraped up |
Oh my does this chair get us into trouble. He pushes it all over the kitchen. Here is is trying to get into the refrigerator When that didn't work as planned, he simply pushed the water button to squirt water everywhere. |
Taking a picture of himself with my phone. Love his "cheese" |
He always has to be right where I am. Especially if I am cooking. I frequently get him a bowl and add some water and spices for him to play with. He moves his chair around to go through all the drawers and find what he is looking for! Here he is "helping" me make treats for the girls' teachers.
Getting so big and in the big middle of everything!!! |
He is almost 20 months old and we are struggling with his speech. He is a very good non-verbal communicator. If he wants something or wants you to do something, he can take you there or use enough words and motions to make sure you understand...it just is much more non-verbal than verbal. Some of my favorite things he does: say "sit" and pat right next to him so you can play, say "stuck" all the time because he is always getting himself into a bind somewhere, say "dark" really quiet when we go into a room that is dark or when we turn the lights out to get ready for his bedtime, clap for himself whenever he does something that he is proud of, his obsession with the vacuum cleaner, how healthy he will eat - loves carrots/apples/blueberries/frozen peas/cucumber...he still loves his sweets but those healthy foods are high up on his list! Obsessed is the only way to describe his fascination with flies/bugs. If he sees one (inside or out) or even just thinks he sees one, he'll come running in and get two fly swatters. He'll hand one to me and use one himself to go after the bug. He is also really cute when he gets frustrated (which happens at this age in general and more often with him because we have to go so many places with the girls and because he doesn't have a lot of words) - he will sometimes hit at me or his sisters. When we say, "oh Killian! Hands aren't for hitting. We hug mom (or sister)", he will lower his head, lay it on the shoulder of the person he lashed out and pat her back. So sweet. And, the absolute favorite that he does, he just learned to say "mama"!!. Kelly has observed that now that Killian has learned the word and the power it has, he uses it all the time. He'll say, "mama mama mama" and run to me and pat me if he thinks someone else is going to take him. I love it, most of the time!
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