After our afternoon snack, I set Keeley down in the kitchen and started to clean dishes. A few moments later, she toddled off to the living room. I heard her coming back into the kitchen (she had put on her jingle bell necklace) and glanced down and she was looking up at me holding her "Moo, Baa, La La La" book up with an expectant look. How cute is that? My daughter brought me her favorite book to read. Of course we went in the living room and cuddled while we read for a while. Being a mom is great.
This was definitely the calm before the storm. As you read the rest of this post, please remember the following:
1. My husband is out of town until Sunday. I was initially nervous about this but calmed down when I realized I do all but a couple hours by myself each day anyway during the week so this should be no big deal. Little did I know...
2. My
newly walking one year old just had a procedure done on her head that requires us to make sure she doesn't fall and bump it.
3. I am 7 months pregnant. In other words, I am huge, slow, and uncoordinated.
After she finished reading, she toddled off and got her cookie jar toy to bring over to me. Unfortunately she is clumsy and I am slow. She stumbled forward and the cookie jar smacked my lip - leaving me with a fat lip. That's okay though, she didn't hit her head or bump her teeth so I was happy.
I was in the kitchen a little while later and she was exploring the pantry. She does this every evening and her latest fascination has been the rice and the soft drinks. She hasn't opened either yet so I just let her play. (Crystal, I should have paid more attention to your corn flake post). Here is my daughter trying to open her Dr. Pepper. She is standing by the door to the utility room.

A mere moments after I snapped this picture, she dropped the Dr. Pepper can and started crying. You see, we have entered the phase where crying is required when things don't work out like you expect them to. She thought that the can would just roll like it had every other time. What she did not expect was an explosion of Dr. Pepper to get all over her. So, now I have a crying 1 year old, a very wet and sticky floor, and Dr. Pepper EVERYWHERE. It is on my walls, my ceiling, my kitchen table. It sprayed almost to my front door from where she dropped it and as far back as the entrance to our bedroom area.
I laughed. What else do you do? The scene was just absurd. I picked Keeley up and got to cleaning the walls (while I was holding her). Eventually, she wanted to get down however and started trying to walk away. I couldn't have that because the floor was slippery and she was likely to fall, so I decided to mop.
I got out a bucket and filled it with water. My main objective was to clean up the sticky - I'd deal with the dirt factor later. I set her down at the end of the hall and got to work. I looked up to her splashing in the bucket of water. Gross. Now, my floors get cleaned every two weeks but I have two dogs and a husband that is in a warehouse everyday. Oh well. Germs are good for you right? I continued mopping. I looked up because I hear splashing - loud splashing. My adorable daughter has dumped the entire bucket of water on the floor. I scoop her up and carefully try to go get some towels.
Finally, the mess is cleaned up (minus the parts up high - I don't belong on a chair cleaning the ceilings at 7 months pregnant) and I decide that we should both just hop in the shower to rinse the grossness off. I go and get everything prepared. Shower water is on and a good temperature, clothes and towels for both of us are ready, dogs are outside. I open the shower door with Keeley in my arms and happen to glance down and notice ants in my shower. SERIOUSLY do I have to deal with ants now? I can't have ants where we are about to sit. I rinse them down the drain and we step into play. We stayed in the shower until Keeley started pulling on the bar that holds up all our shampoo and soap. I cannot handle anything else! (Why did I even think that....)
We get dried off and went to eat dinner. Later in the bath, Keeley falls and scares herself and screams hysterically (even though all that got hurt was her feelings). FINALLY the day is over and she is in bed. It would be great if I could just sit back and relax with a nice glass of wine (or shot of tequila...) but, alas, I am pregnant so it will be water for me.

Keeley's face at dinner...I was feeling the same way!