Besides signing for milk a lot while she was waiting, Keeley did pretty well before surgery. They told us that they don't usually give the "goofy juice" (stuff they give the babies to relax them before they take them away) to little ones that aren't one year old yet because they don't have separation anxiety. I quickly corrected them and let them know that our little one definitely does have separation anxiety and there was no way she was leaving my arms and going peacefully down the hall with a nurse. They decided to give her the goofy juice which I swear made her look drunk. She got very cuddly and giggly.
It sure worked too because that nurse took her and Keeley didn't even look back at us.
The surgery lasted about 30 minutes. They said everything went fine. She has about 8 stitches and will have to get them removed in 2 weeks. The doctor said that the cyst was right under the skin and that it looked like they expected. They send everything to pathology just to be sure but she didn't seem concerned.
She said we need to be careful that she doesn't bump her head (that will be a feat with a newly walking little one) or do any strenuous activity for 3 weeks. THREE WEEKS! That is a long time to keep our little one still. I asked about her birthday party and she said she thought that would be okay. We'll just have to make sure to watch her pretty carefully.
The recovery nurses told us that as soon as Keeley start to come to, she started dancing to the beat of her heart rate monitor. Did I mention we have a very busy child? She drifted in and out of sleep in recovery and slept very hard on the way home. As soon as we got home and walked inside, however, she raised her hand, took out her pacifier, and said "dog" as she looked for the dogs.
We finally took a nap. By we, I mean all of us. Keeley was too clingy to be put down today by herself but that's okay because we all needed to sleep. We climbed in bed and slept for about an hour and a half. We were awakened to Keeley saying "dog" - my new least favorite word in the dictionary! She's eaten some more and seems to be fine.
I didn't realize it was on her head! I thought it was on her hand. I was reading your email and couldn't figure out why on earth surgery on her hand would cause you to be so careful of her head! I get it now:)
ReplyDeleteGlad she is doing well.
I thought about y'all all morning. I'm so glad she is doing well! Bless family naps, too.