She still seems to feel that the most effective way to get my attention is to cry. Since Friday, Keeley has been a little "off." Until yesterday, I really didn't think much of it. She has just learned to walk and is working on her bottom two molars. I figured that would be enough to throw anyone off a little. She wasn't particularly fussy, just acted kind of weird and was eating and sleeping weird (well, as best I could tell with the sleep because it is always pretty weird).
Anyway, yesterday she got REALLY clingy. Fortunately, Kelly woke up with her so I got to sleep in a bit. Even with that, I was literally attached to Keeley from the time I woke up and got out of the shower until 9:30 last night (minus 1 one hour nap). Why didn't I let Kelly help you ask? I tried, all that did was result in a screaming or crying child. You might have also noticed I said 9:30 and been wondering when Keeley's bed time moved. It didn't. She is normally in bed between 6:30 and 7 (usually closer to 6:30). Last night however, going to bed took 3 hours.
We started off normally with her milk, bath, and rest of the routine. I laid her down and she instantly started crying. Sometimes she does that and calms down, last night, however, it escalated to screaming on the verge of hyperventilating within minutes. I went in and rocked with her for 30 minutes. She never fell asleep but I put her down again anyway to come confer with Kelly. We decided it might be teeth or an ear infection (she was biting me and pulling on her ears a lot) so we gave her some motrin and Kelly tried to rock with her. BIG mistake. She screamed and cried and fussed. It got louder and louder so I finally went in there to check on them - BIGGER mistake. After she saw me, she refused to calm down. He handed her to me and she was instantly calm so I started to rock with her again.
Thirty minutes later, I carried Keeley into the other room to tell Kelly we were going to have to try something else because she was still not asleep. We started the whole bed time routine over again - milk, bath, new pjs...everything. By this time it was almost 9 and the storms picked up in our area (just what you want when you are trying to put a fussy child down) and we kept losing power. Kelly and I got ready for bed (so there would be no noise in the house once she finally went to bed) while Keeley played on the floor. I had to hold her while I did most of my routine because she cried otherwise. When I set her down to wash my face, she whimpered and clung to my leg. We finished and I rocked with her for 30 more minutes and FINALLY laid a sleeping baby down at about 9:30.
Now, OTHER babies might have slept a little later this morning because they were up for 3 extra hours. Not Keeley. She was up and calling for me at 7:20 (that is about 30 minutes later than normal).
But, look how cute she is...

(courtesy of Taylor...
I love that picture!!!!!!!