Friday, April 2, 2010


I'm sure anyone with a three year old has heard that question at least a million times.  I've tried to get better in planning my answers so that I will have answers to more of the "whys?" instead of running out quickly and having to say that I don't know so fast.  Last night our "why" conversation in the rocking chair really made me laugh.

Keeley:  Are you crying? Are these tears?  (as she points to tears on my cheeks)
Me:  No.  Sometimes when I'm really tired and yawn really big my eyes water. I'm just really tired tonight.
Keeley: Why do your eyes water?
Me: I don't know baby.
Keeley: Why don't you know?
Me: I don't know everything, just lots of things.
Keeley: Why don't you know everything?
Me: Only God knows everything.
Keeley: Why does God know everything?
Me:  Because God created and everything so he has all the answers.
(thoughtful pause from Keeley)
Keeley: Ask him, okay?
Me: Ask him why my eyes water when I'm tired?
Keeley: Yes.  Ask him when you get to Heaven.  Okay?
Me:  Okay, baby.  I'll ask him when I get to Heaven.

I can think of a few questions that are probably a little higher on my list of questions for God, but I will certainly add "why do my eyes water when I'm tired" to the list for a very inquisitive three year old!