The big concerns she had were that Kayden likes to pretend like she can't hear you when you talk to her (She'll look at you and just look away.) A few trips to the listening chair seemed to fix that issue. The other issue is that she often takes work that isn't hers. Her teacher told me that both of these are age appropriate issues so I shouldn't be terribly worried. I expressed concern that she would become somewhat of a bully next year as one of the older kids and she reassured me that she would most likely not. She said that Kayden is very caring and will likely be nurturing to the younger children - which will complete the learning cycle for the toddler community.
Her teacher noted several times that she has exceptional fine motor skills. This is funny to me because she has always been such a gross motor kiddo. Her favorite works right now are the markers, sifting flour, mopping, folding laundry, and beading necklaces.
The beading amazes me the most. The teachers thread the needle and tie one bead on the end of the yarn so the rest of the beads don't fall off. After that, Kayden picked out the items to add and threads them herself. For a kiddo not quite two yet, I think that shows an amazing amount of discipline!
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