She has certainly brightened our life and kept us on our toes. From the beginning, she was not content to sit idly by. Here she is hours after she was born trying to make a get away.
As soon as she could move, she took to exploring life in the fullest ways possible. This means reckless abandon and lots of messes. But always with a smile!
Some updates on Kayden:
* She was in her bed for all of two days. After a 2am wake up call from a stroller pushing little sister declaring, "want to sleep with you guys" and a napless (and grumpy) day, Mom made the executive decision that Kayden was not ready for a bed and put the railing back on her crib.
* She continues to explore life completely. I told my mom early on that I think Keeley is a very old soul and that there is a quiet presence about her. Kayden has none of that. She is new to the world. There is such joy in watching her figure out how much water she can pour in a cup (always less than she thinks), how sand might taste (yes, still does that), how it feels to pull the flowers off our freshly planted garden (they did look like balls), how high she can jump, how loud she can sing, and how much she can make us laugh every day.
* We carry on entire conversations with her - much advanced for her age. Yesterday we drove past some horses and she said "why are they swishing their tails. they shouldn't do that." I explained they were trying to keep bugs away and she said "but they're not supposed to do that". Another time she looked at me with all seriousness and said "donkeys don't have arms or hands" When I confirmed that, she said "so they can't do this?" and proceeded to run her eyes like she was tired!
* She is obsessed with everything Keeley does and convinced she can do it. For the most part, she is right.
* She continues to believe that she is the same age as big sister. In fact, today when I dropped her off at school I said "tell Mrs. Sutton how old you are." In all seriousness she looked at her and said, "I'm almost 3". Yesterday she told us she was almost one. I suppose turning two made her think she could start looking forward to the next milestone instead of enjoying right now.
* Eating is something she is quite good at. She will tell you exactly what she wants "just chickens" or "salad, right here, on my plate" or "I want french fries." I'm amazed at how well she eats and continue to be surprised at how little she likes sweets.
* Weight: 28.13 pounds (69.8%)
* Height: 34.5 inches (70.23%)
* Head circumference: 19.5 inches (93.28%) - all brains right?
We sure love you, little sister. Without you in our lives we might sleep more, be drier, and a bit calmer. But we would certainly be poorer in our appreciation for life, miss the laughter you bring, and the songs you sing.
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