Today and yesterday Keeley had a short orientation at school. Each day she was there for 1.5 hours. Yesterday Kayden and I went to the store and then to the uniform sale. Today I thought we could do something fun for her. As we were leaving the carpool lane I asked Kayden if she would like to go to Chick Fil A. This was our conversation:
Me: "Which Chick Fil A did you want to go to? The one with the helicopters or the car?"
Kayden: "Elicopers."
Me: "Okay. Do you want chicken or just to play"
Kayden: "Chickens."
We drive a few more minutes...
Kayden: "I don't want the elicopers. Car. Let's go car one."
Me: "We are already going to the helicopter one. If we go to the other we won't have much time to play. Why don't you look and see if the helicopters look like fun when we get there."
Kayden: "okay" (not convinced though...)
A few more minutes of driving and we pull into the parking lot of the one with the helicopters."
Kayden: "cars. Cars! Not elicopers!!!!!!!"
Me: "Kayden, we are already here. Why don't we just play here?"
Kayden: "But Mooooom! You said I could look and see."
She's 2. Isn't it a little early for this?! I swear I was expecting that in elementary school but not this early! I know I told her we could look and see. I suppose I was just hoping we'd get there and she'd decide it was okay to play at that one.
Because it was her special time, we drove to the other one. Turns out that it didn't matter that she didn't have much time to play. She was in the play area less than 2 minutes when she came out and said "I'm lonely without Teeley." She sat and ate her "chickens" and then said "Let's go get Teeley."