Today I picked her up and she smiled a huge smile and said, "I made a picture for you again today, Mom." Her teacher said, "Let me tell you about that picture. Juan was waiting for his turn on the easel and I guess he was crowding Kayden. She turned around, put her little hand up, and said 'Wait. I have to write my name first' and then proceeded to take a marker and "write her name" on her picture" Too funny. When we got home and looked at it, I asked her to show me where she wrote her name. She pointed to the place where her teacher wrote it and said "Mrs. Alva wrote it here." then she moved her hand to some pink scribbles and said "I wrote it here".
I love them so much. Look at this big sisterly hug.
I don't see a problem with her headband! She still has it and hasn't lost it.