We just got back from our first big family trip - Disney World. It was a first for the girls, Kelly, and Baby K. I'd been several times but not since senior year in high school which is more than just a few years in the past....Because I was at least a little familiar with the parks, Kelly left the planning to me. I will readily admit that I was probably the most excited of the four of us because I had spent so much time and energy researching. Our flight left at 7am so we decided to literally get the girls out of bed and put them in the car when it was time to leave. For some bizarre reason, Kayden actually woke up when my alarm went off at 4 and stayed awake. Keeley slept through it all but was super alert by the time we got her in the car. Poor Kelly expected it to be a quiet ride to the airport. It was non-stop conversation!!
Here we are on the airplane getting ready to take off. We were two and two. Lots of people on the flight commented that they wished they were still in their pjs!
When we got to the airport, Keeley was ready to change but Kayden wanted to stay in her pjs. It took a while to get all our stuff figured out and to the "Magical Express". Once we were finally where we needed to be, the girls were super excited again. Before we even got to Disney World, there were so many new experiences for them - the airplane and the bus ride were way more entertaining than I thought they would be.
We got to our resort and the girls each received a pink carnation from the check-in lady. Our rooms were ready so we took all our stuff over there and got situated. The girls decided they needed to change clothes. After we got all that arranged, we headed to the food court area to eat. One of the oh so friendly staff saw us making our way across the resort and offered to give the girls a lift.
They were thrilled to not have to walk and thought this was so fun. |
Our resort was close to Animal Kingdom so we started there. The park was new since the last time I'd been so I didn't really know what to expect. We rode a couple of rides, had some ice cream, played in the dinosaur "boneyard", saw the parade, and the girls went on the Safari ride. I had to sit out the Safari because it was too jarring for Baby K and I so I had a nice chance to rest my legs.
Climbing in the boneyard with Dad. |
Digging in the gravel. Kayden had to stay close to the step because she kept getting frustrated that rocks were on her feet. |
Waiting for the parade. The girls enjoyed all the music and dancing. The man behind us enjoyed laughing at Keeley. Every time the characters started to approach our side of the walkway, she would cower behind me. I'd like to say she warmed up the longer we were at Disney, but she didn't too much. |
On the Safari ride with Dad. |
You'll notice one sister is calmly seated and the other appears to be standing up... |
We left the park just as it was closing and headed back to the hotel to eat and head to bed early. We all slept really hard and well that first night.
Yay! What a fun trip. Glad you all got to go.