I'm not sure I'll ever get over the shock when my kids turn a year older. I look at Keeley now and don't really see any baby - just little kid. She has got to be the sweetest kid I know. We love her to pieces and couldn't imagine life without her kind spirit. She's loving school and learning so much lately - not so much the
going to school part but the actual in class part (I think she is just sad to have to change from pjs and her spot on the couch watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates!). The things she are most excited about are her hemispheres map, her even and odd work, and that she is getting closer to reading (she loves working on her sounds).
For her birthday this year, she first wanted to have it at home with just grandparents because, "Happy birthday is too loud and hurts my ears at parties." After a few weeks of telling me that, however, she decided that she did want a party but only wanted a couple of friends there, "so it won't be too loud in my ears." So, we decided on Gymboree and had just a few friends to celebrate with her. It was perfect for her and who she is. We all had a blast.
New princess bike for her birthday. She was a little frustrated it is harder to peddle than her other one. |
Kite cupcakes. She wanted a kite party at Gymboree. |
Playing with Kayden before her friends arrived. |
Keeley, Kayden, and Ella and Lexi (her two best friends from school) |
School friends on the boat under the parachute. |
Little sister needed in on the action. |
Since Disney World, she will not eat cupcakes (she had one early in the day that she got sick). She said it was okay for her friends to have them, but she only wanted ice cream. So, we put the candles in the ice cream. |
Very serious conversation with Deitra. |
Bouncing her headband around. | |
After the party we opened presents at home. Her two favorite presents were this TinkerBell outfit and her kite from Grandma. She immediately wanted to change clothes and go fly the kite. You see who is doing all the work with the kite... |
At her 4 year old check up, her stats were 36.8 lbs (63.72%) and 40 inches (57.71%). Her BMI, blood pressure, and hearing were all great. As were her drawing and physical tests (tiptoe walking, heel walking, and hopping on one foot) once she was convinced to do them. The only concerns the doctor had were her extremely limited food choices (no beans, meat, or veggies) and her left eye showed to be the wrong shape (?) at risk for developing astigmatism. She has recommended that we see and eye doctor and consider feeding therapy. She said that I could go to a meeting for parents with children that have picky eating and then decide what I want to do. However, since I've been concerned for a while and since our life is about to get more chaotic, I'm choosing to do that and then get started with a therapist as soon as we can. I took her to an eye doctor last year in May when I was concerned about her eyes (she was saying they hurt and rubbing them a lot) and he told me it was allergies. It will be interesting to see what he says now.
All in all, she is doing great. She even braved all 4, yes, 4 shots extremely well. When I asked what special treat she'd like since she had to get shots she requested candy and then chose rolos. I have to say I think candy after shots is a good deal! Thankfully we won't have more shots until she is 11!
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