Kayden had her first Kindermusik class today. Normally, she is very social and happy around other kids. Today she was a little bit reserved. I chalked it up to her being tired because she wasn't getting a morning nap due to Keeley's drop off time for MDO. We still had fun and I think she'll really like the class. During class, I received a call back from the doctor's office.
Kayden started having a runny nose and a little bit of a cough (just like Keeley has had for a while) on Saturday. Sunday and today she woke up with yucky stuff in her right eye. I called the nurse because I am SO tired of going to the doctor. I told her that we still have two different eye drops at home and asked which would be best and what the dosing should be. When she called back, she said that because Kayden is still so little, they don't recommend treating without seeing them.
So we went to the doctor. Again. She has the beginnings of a an ear infection in her left ear (it is swollen and has fluid in it) and a sinus infection. So frustrating because other than being a little clingy and not sleeping well, she is fine - no fever, eating well, playing well....
We are now on another antibiotic and scheduled to see the ENT on Monday. This will make an ear infection, 3 sinus infections, and one throat infection that have all been treated with antibiotics since she was born.
Remember I said she was clingy at class, perhaps she was tired or just not feeling well. You'd think both of those would get worse since we went straight from class to the doctor. Nope. She was super friendly at the doctor's office. She crawled all over, talked to people, laughed and smiled. Clearly, Kayden has spent entirely too much time there!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Step Stool
Saturday, March 28, 2009
10 months!
Trouble, I mean Kayden, is 10 months old today. I swear this little love bug is going to keep me on my toes more than I ever imagined. She weighs 19 lb 12 oz and is a bundle of curiosity.
Here are the developmental highlights for the last month - it was a big month!
She is now WALKING, waving, signing more and milk, and opening the cabinets. She also loves to climb on the fireplace and out of her high chair. Occasionally she will stand up and play with a car on the ground which impresses me because she has to balance so much!
This child loves to eat. Her current favorites, turkey and eggs. She will actually grunt at you and get angry if she runs out of them and you are still eating them. If you ask her if she wants turkey, she'll raise her hands above her head. She doesn't really care for fruit, with the exception of bananas. The occasional carb or veggie is okay but really, she would be happy if all she ate was turkey, eggs, and some cheese to spice things up occasionally. She is definitely a carnivore! She now has 6 teeth but those top two middle ones are still my favorite! They are just so big!!
Here are some photo highlights of the mischeivous this little one got into from 2:40-4:00 one afternoon.
The first thing that happened when we tried to paint: hand in mouth with blue paint. I guess I didn't let her get all she wanted because she did it a few more times.
When she tired of eating paint, she decided to pour an entire box of crackers on the ground and the proceed to sit in the big middle of them and eat them.
Here are the developmental highlights for the last month - it was a big month!
She is now WALKING, waving, signing more and milk, and opening the cabinets. She also loves to climb on the fireplace and out of her high chair. Occasionally she will stand up and play with a car on the ground which impresses me because she has to balance so much!
This child loves to eat. Her current favorites, turkey and eggs. She will actually grunt at you and get angry if she runs out of them and you are still eating them. If you ask her if she wants turkey, she'll raise her hands above her head. She doesn't really care for fruit, with the exception of bananas. The occasional carb or veggie is okay but really, she would be happy if all she ate was turkey, eggs, and some cheese to spice things up occasionally. She is definitely a carnivore! She now has 6 teeth but those top two middle ones are still my favorite! They are just so big!!
Here are some photo highlights of the mischeivous this little one got into from 2:40-4:00 one afternoon.
What I was not able to capture on film but also occurred in that hour and a half: her getting into the guest bedroom and climbing on to a stool to get some styrofoam that she thought she should eat and her consistently getting right in the middle of the masterpiece that Keeley was painting. This resulted in a lot of "no Kayden" from big sister.
Below you'll see a video of her opening a cabinet, getting the second most dangerous thing out (a fork) , looking at me as if to say "I know I'm not supposed to, but look what I have", and then walking with it. Good thing she is completely adorable and the sweetest kid ever!
Below you'll see a video of her opening a cabinet, getting the second most dangerous thing out (a fork) , looking at me as if to say "I know I'm not supposed to, but look what I have", and then walking with it. Good thing she is completely adorable and the sweetest kid ever!
More about the 2 year old
Keeley had her 2 year old check up this week. Here are her stats:
Length: 34.5 (65%)
Head circumference: 19 (69%)
The doctor says that is good because the numbers are close and they are supposed to be since they are both part of her skeleton. It is a bit perplexing because everyone comments about how tiny she is. Those numbers clearly show that she is above average...until you get to weight that is
Weight: 26lbs (35%)
This is perhaps because she really just doesn't eat. We talked about it and the doctor isn't worried. When she eats, it is usually fruit so there are much worse things she could be eating. When asked "Does she eat a balanced diet?" I had to say no because she is still a vegetarian 99.9% of the time. I would like to say we have moved passed the stage of physically wiping off her tongue if meat comes in contact with it, but that would be a lie. People think I'm joking when I say she really eats only fruit. I suppose that is a little bit of an exaggeration. Here are the things she will eat: fruit, carbs, cupcakes, cheese. You'll notice pizza is not on that list. Neither are french fries (or any other form of vegetable). When we go through the drive through, she asks for fruit. Occasionally I can get her to eat veggies, but that is occasionally only.
Her BMI 15.35 (21%)
When I asked if that was okay, her response was "wouldn't we all like to be in the 21%". To which I had to agree.
Developmentally, Keeley is fine so all is well until the 3 year check up. Hooray!
I forgot to mention on my other "2 year old update" that Keeley is really into counting right now and holds her own hand with pointing finger out when she does it. She has also started saying "thank you sweetie pie". I think this is adorable but have no idea where she picked it up!
Singing is becoming a favorite of hers, especially "Wheels on the bus" and "5 little monkeys". Unfortunately, as you can see below, she also really enjoys watching herself on the video camera and my phone so I haven't captured her very successfully yet. She was singing it more completely before I got the video camera out!
Length: 34.5 (65%)
Head circumference: 19 (69%)
The doctor says that is good because the numbers are close and they are supposed to be since they are both part of her skeleton. It is a bit perplexing because everyone comments about how tiny she is. Those numbers clearly show that she is above average...until you get to weight that is
Weight: 26lbs (35%)
This is perhaps because she really just doesn't eat. We talked about it and the doctor isn't worried. When she eats, it is usually fruit so there are much worse things she could be eating. When asked "Does she eat a balanced diet?" I had to say no because she is still a vegetarian 99.9% of the time. I would like to say we have moved passed the stage of physically wiping off her tongue if meat comes in contact with it, but that would be a lie. People think I'm joking when I say she really eats only fruit. I suppose that is a little bit of an exaggeration. Here are the things she will eat: fruit, carbs, cupcakes, cheese. You'll notice pizza is not on that list. Neither are french fries (or any other form of vegetable). When we go through the drive through, she asks for fruit. Occasionally I can get her to eat veggies, but that is occasionally only.
Her BMI 15.35 (21%)
When I asked if that was okay, her response was "wouldn't we all like to be in the 21%". To which I had to agree.
Developmentally, Keeley is fine so all is well until the 3 year check up. Hooray!
I forgot to mention on my other "2 year old update" that Keeley is really into counting right now and holds her own hand with pointing finger out when she does it. She has also started saying "thank you sweetie pie". I think this is adorable but have no idea where she picked it up!
Singing is becoming a favorite of hers, especially "Wheels on the bus" and "5 little monkeys". Unfortunately, as you can see below, she also really enjoys watching herself on the video camera and my phone so I haven't captured her very successfully yet. She was singing it more completely before I got the video camera out!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Funny Kids
As is evident with my sporadic posting, we have been pretty busy here. I wish I could say that it is all fun stuff but I cannot. We have been sick SO long. I have reached a point where I feel we should have direct deposit set up to Dr. Frank and a standing, weekly appointment with her!
Despite all that, my kids still do and say really funny things that brighten even the grumpiest days.
Kayden today accompanied Kelly and I to a meeting with our tax guy (Keeley was at school). Kayden and I arrived a little early so we went to the deli and I pulled out her back of food for her to have a snack. Later, during our meeting, Kayden pulled her lunch bag out of the diaper bag and put it on my legs and started grunting. She wanted some milk!
When we went to pick Keeley up from school, her teachers were laughing about her again. They told me that all day long whenever she saw someone doing something that she felt that shouldn't be doing, she would say "no ma'am" and redirect them. When I asked Keeley about it, she said "Presley, no ma'am. get down. play" Apparently Presley had been climbing on a chair and Keeley thought she should be playing. Leave it to my daughter to think that she should boss everyone else around!
Despite all that, my kids still do and say really funny things that brighten even the grumpiest days.
Kayden today accompanied Kelly and I to a meeting with our tax guy (Keeley was at school). Kayden and I arrived a little early so we went to the deli and I pulled out her back of food for her to have a snack. Later, during our meeting, Kayden pulled her lunch bag out of the diaper bag and put it on my legs and started grunting. She wanted some milk!
When we went to pick Keeley up from school, her teachers were laughing about her again. They told me that all day long whenever she saw someone doing something that she felt that shouldn't be doing, she would say "no ma'am" and redirect them. When I asked Keeley about it, she said "Presley, no ma'am. get down. play" Apparently Presley had been climbing on a chair and Keeley thought she should be playing. Leave it to my daughter to think that she should boss everyone else around!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Keeley is currently in a bit of a hoarding phase. She is starting to get more possessive: "my mommy" and "mine" are starting to be much more common phrases. Outside of that, she also really loves the things that she loves. This means that they have to go into her crib when she goes into her crib. Once in the crib, they can't leave the crib, they must stay until she returns to the crib or decides that she needs them. This includes a few odd things. For instance, she has a sandwich making kit by Melissa and Doug. The other night she had to have a tomato and bun in bed. She also insisted that she take a Curious George George (remember she says it twice) and a menguin (penguin) plate in there for a nap.
In case you were wondering just what I mean about hoarding, here is a picture of her crib after a recent nap. Actually, it is two pictures because everything wouldn't fit in one picture.
In addition to no fewer than 5 dolls and 10 pacifiers, she also has in there: 4 books, two blankets, a night light, two paper plates, a doll bottle, a box for her pacifiers, a butterfly that rolls (technically it belongs to Kayden), and a pillow from her doll bed. Where does she sleep? Good question. I don't really know how it can be comfortable in there but I will tell you that there is serious protesting it I try to remove anything.
Good thing we are past the SIDS scare....
In case you were wondering just what I mean about hoarding, here is a picture of her crib after a recent nap. Actually, it is two pictures because everything wouldn't fit in one picture.
Good thing we are past the SIDS scare....
Friday, March 20, 2009
Into her world
Sunday, March 15, 2009
12 months!
We had our check-up today for Keeley's 12 month visit. The doctor commented several times during the visit how cute and smart she is :-) She also made the observation that two of the "big" things they look for at Keeley's 15 month check-up she can already do - walk and say 3-5 words (never mind the fact that those words are primarily dada, dog, out - no mama). It is nice to know that we don't have to be worried about any developmental delays around the same time that Kayden gets here (10 weeks to go...)
She had to receive 4 shots (so very, very sad) and was not a fan of those. It is so hard to look at her big blue eyes filled with tears and know that she doesn't really understand why I'm letting that mean nurse hurt her. While she was screaming though, I was able to get a look at her bottom left molar which is breaking through (and probably explains the 5:30 wake up time lately...). Unfortunately, two of the 4 make her legs hurt and the chances of her developing a fever now or in the next 10 days is good :-(
Weight: 20lbs (28th%)
Length: 29.5 (58th%)
Head Circumference: 18 (66th%)
The doctor said it looks like she is finding her spot on weight and height so not to worry about the % drop from early on in her life. Her BMI (16.15) hasn't changed since last time so that is good. We got the go ahead to turn her around in her seat (which means I can't sneak food in the front anymore because she'll be able to see me) and to start her on whole milk (thank goodness!!)
Cute things our little one does at 1:
* says "uh" when anything falls (she can't say the "oh" part of "uh-oh")
* squeals and giggles when she sees Kelly
* puts things away (nevermind that she is still much better at taking things places they don't belong than she is putting them back...I'm just happy she's starting to put them back! She carried the pig head from her farm into the study the other day and last night I watched her take it back to the dishwasher with the rest of the animals)
* throws her pacifiers on the floor when you walk in the room, looks down and says "ba" (I guess she can't say the "p" sound)
Keeley is 2
We have a 2 year old! It is amazing to me that she has been in our lives for only two years. I cannot imagine life without her. I love her cuddles, her laughter, and her endless wonder with the world.
We celebrated at home with cupcakes on her actual birthday. She is obsessed with cupcakes right now.

Here are some updates on our two year old.
* Can dress and undress herself. This includes her recent ability to get her jacket on by herself. Her ability to change her clothes on her own and her strong opinions about the matter are why she is frequently in, shall we say, odd clothes.
* Is able to carry on more complete and complex conversations. For example: We were in the car to go to the store the other day when it was raining and 50 degrees outside. I didn't realize how hard it was raining so we actually drove around the block before I decided that whatever I needed wasn't important enough to deal with two kids and the weather. As we pulled into the drive way, Keeley said "old park". I parked the car and turned around to explain that it was too cold. She paused, looked at me and said "shoes on". I explained that yes, her shoes were on like she needed, but it was still too cold. Another pause and then "jacket on" (she was wearing it), pause, "zip up". I said that zipping it would be warmer but that it was still too cold and wet. She then shivered and said "brrrr"
* Loves to carry her doll "Cassie" around like I carry Kayden around. Cassie vacuums with Keeley, eats with Keeley, plays in the sand with Cassie....
* She's very interested in experimenting with things. I know in my head this is a good thing, but sometimes the mess is a little annoying!
* No longer is she a vegetarian!!! She will occassionally eat turkey lunch meat and prosciutto. However, I still am completely in awe of the fact that she manages to gain weight at all since she doesn't eat enough to "keep a bird alive" as my mom would say.
* Is very nurturing. Her teachers comment about how she hugs each of the classmates and says "hug".
* And of course there is the adorable "toddler speak" My favorites right now: menguin (penguin), Darbo (for our dog Carbo), Curious George George (I don't know why George has to be said twice but it does).
Her birthday present from us, a doll crib. Apparently it is for Keeley to sleep in.
We celebrated at home with cupcakes on her actual birthday. She is obsessed with cupcakes right now.
Here are some updates on our two year old.
* Can dress and undress herself. This includes her recent ability to get her jacket on by herself. Her ability to change her clothes on her own and her strong opinions about the matter are why she is frequently in, shall we say, odd clothes.
* Is able to carry on more complete and complex conversations. For example: We were in the car to go to the store the other day when it was raining and 50 degrees outside. I didn't realize how hard it was raining so we actually drove around the block before I decided that whatever I needed wasn't important enough to deal with two kids and the weather. As we pulled into the drive way, Keeley said "old park". I parked the car and turned around to explain that it was too cold. She paused, looked at me and said "shoes on". I explained that yes, her shoes were on like she needed, but it was still too cold. Another pause and then "jacket on" (she was wearing it), pause, "zip up". I said that zipping it would be warmer but that it was still too cold and wet. She then shivered and said "brrrr"
* Loves to carry her doll "Cassie" around like I carry Kayden around. Cassie vacuums with Keeley, eats with Keeley, plays in the sand with Cassie....
* She's very interested in experimenting with things. I know in my head this is a good thing, but sometimes the mess is a little annoying!
* No longer is she a vegetarian!!! She will occassionally eat turkey lunch meat and prosciutto. However, I still am completely in awe of the fact that she manages to gain weight at all since she doesn't eat enough to "keep a bird alive" as my mom would say.
* Is very nurturing. Her teachers comment about how she hugs each of the classmates and says "hug".
* And of course there is the adorable "toddler speak" My favorites right now: menguin (penguin), Darbo (for our dog Carbo), Curious George George (I don't know why George has to be said twice but it does).
Her birthday present from us, a doll crib. Apparently it is for Keeley to sleep in.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Katelyn's party
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Mother of the Year
Okay, true confession time. Being a mom is hard. I have absolutely had my fair share of moments that I wish hadn't happened. So far, all of those had been between me, the kids, and God. Today, however, I had an experience that seriously almost made me cry because I felt like such a failure. I know in my head that I am not, I am actually a very good and loving mother...but sometimes it is just really hard to keep that in perspective.
Keeley has been a little off since Saturday. Yesterday and today she's been really, really grumpy. Yesterday she actually told me that her throat hurt (a first for recognizing pain). I decided to take her to the doctor today because we just got Kayden well from herpangina with a secondary bacterial infection.
While at the doctor Keeley was fine, as usual. The doctor said her throat was red but the strep test came back negative. Since it looks to be a virus, there isn't a whole lot we can do. Kayden was fussy at the doctor and I said it was because she wasn't sleeping well lately. I truly thought it was that plus the fact that she might be hungry and we'd been there for 45 minutes with no good toys for her. She ended up getting really worked up and the doctor said "let me take a look in her ears just in case. She is really fussy".
Well, lo and behold, she has a horrible double ear infection. I'm not sure I can even quantify how tiny I felt when she told me that. Here I am listening to my daughter cry for an entire hour thinking she just doesn't want to sleep and what she is really saying is that she hurts. I didn't even have her at the doctor for her, she tagged along with her big sister. I didn't ask the doctor to look, she felt so bad for my kid that she didn't feel right letting us leave without checking her ears. Horrible, horrible moment in my parenting life. We came home with an antibiotic and some numbing ear drops.
Now, just in case any of you think that I might actually be up for the worst mother of the year award, let me tell you why I thought she was just being stubborn and wanted to play.
* She finished augmentin (a pretty strong antibiotic) on Saturday.
* She doesn't have a fever.
* She doesn't have a cold.
* She is eating fine.
* She is 100% happy if she is playing...until the very end of the day. I have just figured she gets grumpy at the end of the day because she isn't napping.
In order to suspect illness, I would think you would need some other sign. Apparently my sign is lots of crying at nap time. In the absence of any other symptom, I'm not sure how to distinguish illness from nap resistance though.
Keeley has been a little off since Saturday. Yesterday and today she's been really, really grumpy. Yesterday she actually told me that her throat hurt (a first for recognizing pain). I decided to take her to the doctor today because we just got Kayden well from herpangina with a secondary bacterial infection.
While at the doctor Keeley was fine, as usual. The doctor said her throat was red but the strep test came back negative. Since it looks to be a virus, there isn't a whole lot we can do. Kayden was fussy at the doctor and I said it was because she wasn't sleeping well lately. I truly thought it was that plus the fact that she might be hungry and we'd been there for 45 minutes with no good toys for her. She ended up getting really worked up and the doctor said "let me take a look in her ears just in case. She is really fussy".
Well, lo and behold, she has a horrible double ear infection. I'm not sure I can even quantify how tiny I felt when she told me that. Here I am listening to my daughter cry for an entire hour thinking she just doesn't want to sleep and what she is really saying is that she hurts. I didn't even have her at the doctor for her, she tagged along with her big sister. I didn't ask the doctor to look, she felt so bad for my kid that she didn't feel right letting us leave without checking her ears. Horrible, horrible moment in my parenting life. We came home with an antibiotic and some numbing ear drops.
Now, just in case any of you think that I might actually be up for the worst mother of the year award, let me tell you why I thought she was just being stubborn and wanted to play.
* She finished augmentin (a pretty strong antibiotic) on Saturday.
* She doesn't have a fever.
* She doesn't have a cold.
* She is eating fine.
* She is 100% happy if she is playing...until the very end of the day. I have just figured she gets grumpy at the end of the day because she isn't napping.
In order to suspect illness, I would think you would need some other sign. Apparently my sign is lots of crying at nap time. In the absence of any other symptom, I'm not sure how to distinguish illness from nap resistance though.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Oh my
Life with 2 toddlers is a whirlwind of constant activity. I am constantly assessing the situation to determine if it is safe for both kiddos, the dogs, and myself. I've learned to do things like leave Kayden in her crib if I have to run to the other room (this only protects Kayden from herself though because Keeley can get in the crib). I also frequently put one kid in their high chair with their food and then continue getting food ready, change the other's diaper, let the dogs out, etc. Monday I had put Kayden in her high chair and placed the tray on with some snacks. I went to get Keeley and found this when I came back.

I almost fell over as I rounded the corner and found myself looking at Kayden's face instead of the back of the high chair. I had no idea that she could or would wiggle herself around and STAND UP. Had I been gone a minute or two more, she likely would have fallen! My job just got a little harder.
Note: This picture is staged after I scooped her up and recovered from my shock. The tray is not on in the picture but it was on when the original incident occurred.
I almost fell over as I rounded the corner and found myself looking at Kayden's face instead of the back of the high chair. I had no idea that she could or would wiggle herself around and STAND UP. Had I been gone a minute or two more, she likely would have fallen! My job just got a little harder.
Note: This picture is staged after I scooped her up and recovered from my shock. The tray is not on in the picture but it was on when the original incident occurred.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Kayden is cute...
...but she is not my friend right now.
This morning, I wrote all the thank you notes for Keeley's birthday, ate breakfast, cleaned the toys up from the party, got my email from 60 in the in-box to 25, took a shower, and got dressed.
All of this was accomplished before 6 am. Kayden woke up at 3:30 and I thought she needed to eat. I fed her and she bit me REALLY hard. I decided she wasn't really hungry if she was biting me so I sat her up. She started to talk to me. I told her it was bed time and put her back in her crib.
Being placed in her crib made her angry. Very angry. She cried hard and loud. I got in bed but decided that was silly because I wasn't going to sleep with her screaming. If I was going to be awake, I might as well get some things done. Why did I do so much you might ask? Surely she quit crying after a little bit right? Nope. She cried for an entire hour and a half. At 5:10 when she finally decided to go to sleep, it was too late for me to go to sleep because I had to get up at 6 to train for my half marathon anyway.
Last night as I grew very weary of her crying, I kept reminding myself that persistence is a good thing. One day when she is studying hard, trying to get a good job, attempting to learn to ski, etc. I will be proud of how she gets something in her mind and goes all out for it. Hopefully she will approach that without the crying though....
This morning, I wrote all the thank you notes for Keeley's birthday, ate breakfast, cleaned the toys up from the party, got my email from 60 in the in-box to 25, took a shower, and got dressed.
All of this was accomplished before 6 am. Kayden woke up at 3:30 and I thought she needed to eat. I fed her and she bit me REALLY hard. I decided she wasn't really hungry if she was biting me so I sat her up. She started to talk to me. I told her it was bed time and put her back in her crib.
Being placed in her crib made her angry. Very angry. She cried hard and loud. I got in bed but decided that was silly because I wasn't going to sleep with her screaming. If I was going to be awake, I might as well get some things done. Why did I do so much you might ask? Surely she quit crying after a little bit right? Nope. She cried for an entire hour and a half. At 5:10 when she finally decided to go to sleep, it was too late for me to go to sleep because I had to get up at 6 to train for my half marathon anyway.
Last night as I grew very weary of her crying, I kept reminding myself that persistence is a good thing. One day when she is studying hard, trying to get a good job, attempting to learn to ski, etc. I will be proud of how she gets something in her mind and goes all out for it. Hopefully she will approach that without the crying though....
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Birthday Fun
We had Keeley's 2nd birthday party today. I intended for it to be a small gathering of her friends and family...the guideline is one kid per year right? Well, that didn't happen. That"small" gathering ended up being a party that had 50 kids and adults. Thankfully, God smiled down and graced us with a cool, rain free morning. Everyone had tons of fun.
Keeley is into painting and penguins right now. I had a lady come out and set up a pottery studio in our garage. The kids got to paint on tiles (which they all loved) and then the moms were able to add hand/foot prints and personalize the other side while the kids played. I think the biggest hits were the sand table and the bounce house (thanks Steph!).

The cake was white and I made an igloo of mini cupcakes for the kiddos. I put penguins on the cake which Keeley, and several other kids, thought were cute. Keeley wanted the "mama penguin" on her cupcake.

In an effort to prepare Keeley for the party, we had been talking about how everyone was going to come over and we would paint, have cupcakes, and sing happy birthday. We talked about who would be here, what we we would paint, and practiced singing. Her first song to sing all the way through is Happy Birthday...to Keeley. I'm glad we prepared her because she is one that doesn't like surprises, it is just funny that it means she sings Happy Birthday to herself now!
It was a mad house over here for a few hours but, when the dust settled, I think the party was a big success. Keeley did crack me up though at the end. Grandma had given her pjs as part of her gift. That was the only gift I let Keeley open before her nap. She was tired and there was still too much going on to open presents. I told her we could open them after her nap. She immediately said "nap" and went to her room once in her pjs. Poor thing crashed out before her guests even left.
Here is adorable little sister playing peek-a-boo with Grandma. She enjoyed the party too!
Keeley is into painting and penguins right now. I had a lady come out and set up a pottery studio in our garage. The kids got to paint on tiles (which they all loved) and then the moms were able to add hand/foot prints and personalize the other side while the kids played. I think the biggest hits were the sand table and the bounce house (thanks Steph!).
The cake was white and I made an igloo of mini cupcakes for the kiddos. I put penguins on the cake which Keeley, and several other kids, thought were cute. Keeley wanted the "mama penguin" on her cupcake.
In an effort to prepare Keeley for the party, we had been talking about how everyone was going to come over and we would paint, have cupcakes, and sing happy birthday. We talked about who would be here, what we we would paint, and practiced singing. Her first song to sing all the way through is Happy Birthday...to Keeley. I'm glad we prepared her because she is one that doesn't like surprises, it is just funny that it means she sings Happy Birthday to herself now!
It was a mad house over here for a few hours but, when the dust settled, I think the party was a big success. Keeley did crack me up though at the end. Grandma had given her pjs as part of her gift. That was the only gift I let Keeley open before her nap. She was tired and there was still too much going on to open presents. I told her we could open them after her nap. She immediately said "nap" and went to her room once in her pjs. Poor thing crashed out before her guests even left.
Kayden - 9 months!
Our little love bug is nine months old now. It still is amazing to me that she is almost a year old. She is the reason that I have not been posting lately. Somehow, she managed to get the hand-foot-mouth virus. She was a little fussy, not sleeping well, and flat out refusing to eat. I took her to the doctor after one particularly crabby day. When I arrived, I told the doctor that she had been very grumpy (of course she wasn't at the doctor's office) and that was very out of character for her. I also said that all of her problems could very well be teething. One quick look in her mouth told us other wise. She said, "It isn't just teething. Her throat is covered in ulcerated blisters." Poor thing. Unfortunately, you can't do anything for a virus but wait it out. This particular one makes you "miserable for the better part of a week" according to my hand out. The doctor did a swab for strep but it was negative. She sent us home with some "magic mouth wash"(benadryl and maalox...normally it has lidocaine but since Kayden can't gargle they had to take that out).
Fast forward two days, we are all exceptionally miserable. Kayden is waking up screaming for long periods of the night and she has spiked a fever. I call the doctor saying that I know she is supposed to be miserable but that this is really bad. She says that in addition to the virus, Kayden's strep culture shows that she has a secondary bacterial infection - not strep though. So now we have to start augmentin (which really upsets her tummy). That weekend was miserable too. On Monday I went to her "well" check up with our doctor and told her what had been going on. Apparently, the benadryl in the mouthwash we were giving to help her not hurt was giving her night terrors.
So, very long story in a somewhat condensed version, Kayden is just now sleeping well and feeling better...which means that I am just not regaining some sanity as well!

Here are her stats:
Weight: 18 lb 12 ounces (down a little because she's been sick) 46%
Length: 28 inches (63%)
Her weight actually went down 4 ounces from her sick check up to her well check up the following week. I think she is probably working back up a little now that she is eating better again. This girl can eat. She wants anything you have. She'll eat turkey, pasta, veggies, fruit, grass, dirt, dog food...you name it, she likes to eat it (unless of course you try to offer her baby food, she is so over that!). That was my big tip off that she was sick, actually, when she refused to eat. Grunting and crawling up your body is likely to ensue if you dare eat while holding her and don't offer her any of the food. She also loves my water bottle and trying to drink water from it.
Not surprisingly, she is not a fan of napping. We are working on it though. Because she is so happy even when she's tired, it is hard to force the issue when she'll spend an entire hour crying instead of sleeping. I'm being persistent though so hopefully it will sink in that she does need to sleep!
She is very, very close to walking and will walk holding on to just one finger. When she really wants to get somewhere, though, she still crawls because she can do that in record speed. She can crawl on the fireplace and we are still bathing in our master bath because she kept climbing out of the guest bath. If you want to guarantee a smile from her, you need to show her a picture of herself or play peek a boo. She has also started clapping which is fun.
Fast forward two days, we are all exceptionally miserable. Kayden is waking up screaming for long periods of the night and she has spiked a fever. I call the doctor saying that I know she is supposed to be miserable but that this is really bad. She says that in addition to the virus, Kayden's strep culture shows that she has a secondary bacterial infection - not strep though. So now we have to start augmentin (which really upsets her tummy). That weekend was miserable too. On Monday I went to her "well" check up with our doctor and told her what had been going on. Apparently, the benadryl in the mouthwash we were giving to help her not hurt was giving her night terrors.
So, very long story in a somewhat condensed version, Kayden is just now sleeping well and feeling better...which means that I am just not regaining some sanity as well!
Here are her stats:
Weight: 18 lb 12 ounces (down a little because she's been sick) 46%
Length: 28 inches (63%)
Her weight actually went down 4 ounces from her sick check up to her well check up the following week. I think she is probably working back up a little now that she is eating better again. This girl can eat. She wants anything you have. She'll eat turkey, pasta, veggies, fruit, grass, dirt, dog food...you name it, she likes to eat it (unless of course you try to offer her baby food, she is so over that!). That was my big tip off that she was sick, actually, when she refused to eat. Grunting and crawling up your body is likely to ensue if you dare eat while holding her and don't offer her any of the food. She also loves my water bottle and trying to drink water from it.
Not surprisingly, she is not a fan of napping. We are working on it though. Because she is so happy even when she's tired, it is hard to force the issue when she'll spend an entire hour crying instead of sleeping. I'm being persistent though so hopefully it will sink in that she does need to sleep!
She is very, very close to walking and will walk holding on to just one finger. When she really wants to get somewhere, though, she still crawls because she can do that in record speed. She can crawl on the fireplace and we are still bathing in our master bath because she kept climbing out of the guest bath. If you want to guarantee a smile from her, you need to show her a picture of herself or play peek a boo. She has also started clapping which is fun.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Clothes for the park
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