We had our check-up today for Keeley's 12 month visit. The doctor commented several times during the visit how cute and smart she is :-) She also made the observation that two of the "big" things they look for at Keeley's 15 month check-up she can already do - walk and say 3-5 words (never mind the fact that those words are primarily dada, dog, out - no mama). It is nice to know that we don't have to be worried about any developmental delays around the same time that Kayden gets here (10 weeks to go...)
She had to receive 4 shots (so very, very sad) and was not a fan of those. It is so hard to look at her big blue eyes filled with tears and know that she doesn't really understand why I'm letting that mean nurse hurt her. While she was screaming though, I was able to get a look at her bottom left molar which is breaking through (and probably explains the 5:30 wake up time lately...). Unfortunately, two of the 4 make her legs hurt and the chances of her developing a fever now or in the next 10 days is good :-(
Weight: 20lbs (28th%)
Length: 29.5 (58th%)
Head Circumference: 18 (66th%)
The doctor said it looks like she is finding her spot on weight and height so not to worry about the % drop from early on in her life. Her BMI (16.15) hasn't changed since last time so that is good. We got the go ahead to turn her around in her seat (which means I can't sneak food in the front anymore because she'll be able to see me) and to start her on whole milk (thank goodness!!)
Cute things our little one does at 1:
* says "uh" when anything falls (she can't say the "oh" part of "uh-oh")
* squeals and giggles when she sees Kelly
* puts things away (nevermind that she is still much better at taking things places they don't belong than she is putting them back...I'm just happy she's starting to put them back! She carried the pig head from her farm into the study the other day and last night I watched her take it back to the dishwasher with the rest of the animals)
* throws her pacifiers on the floor when you walk in the room, looks down and says "ba" (I guess she can't say the "p" sound)
It's amazing how fast time flies! I can't believe she's been around for a year already. :) I was scrolling through the pictures on Picasa and was just in awe of how much she's change and how much she's stayed the same!