We celebrated at home with cupcakes on her actual birthday. She is obsessed with cupcakes right now.
Here are some updates on our two year old.
* Can dress and undress herself. This includes her recent ability to get her jacket on by herself. Her ability to change her clothes on her own and her strong opinions about the matter are why she is frequently in, shall we say, odd clothes.
* Is able to carry on more complete and complex conversations. For example: We were in the car to go to the store the other day when it was raining and 50 degrees outside. I didn't realize how hard it was raining so we actually drove around the block before I decided that whatever I needed wasn't important enough to deal with two kids and the weather. As we pulled into the drive way, Keeley said "old park". I parked the car and turned around to explain that it was too cold. She paused, looked at me and said "shoes on". I explained that yes, her shoes were on like she needed, but it was still too cold. Another pause and then "jacket on" (she was wearing it), pause, "zip up". I said that zipping it would be warmer but that it was still too cold and wet. She then shivered and said "brrrr"
* Loves to carry her doll "Cassie" around like I carry Kayden around. Cassie vacuums with Keeley, eats with Keeley, plays in the sand with Cassie....
* She's very interested in experimenting with things. I know in my head this is a good thing, but sometimes the mess is a little annoying!
* No longer is she a vegetarian!!! She will occassionally eat turkey lunch meat and prosciutto. However, I still am completely in awe of the fact that she manages to gain weight at all since she doesn't eat enough to "keep a bird alive" as my mom would say.
* Is very nurturing. Her teachers comment about how she hugs each of the classmates and says "hug".
* And of course there is the adorable "toddler speak" My favorites right now: menguin (penguin), Darbo (for our dog Carbo), Curious George George (I don't know why George has to be said twice but it does).
Her birthday present from us, a doll crib. Apparently it is for Keeley to sleep in.
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