Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another day in the life of...

a mom with two small children.  For the last week we have been having what I thought were some transition issues with Keeley.  She is now at the "big kid" school and she seems to fall apart (screaming, crying, acting like she can't get off the floor...) every day after school.  The car ride home is great.  She is all smiles and telling me about all the works she did during the day.  Something happens the minute we walk into the kitchen that starts it and it can last for quite some time.  I finally reached out to my facebook friends, my mom, and Keeley's teacher for some advice.

After a serious brainstorming session with Mom, we came up with a plan to help Keeley transition.  It worked beautifully.  Both the girls came home from school and were calm and happy while they ate lunch and got ready for naps.  Kayden went down wonderfully, Keeley didn't nap but was pleasant, and I was thrilled.  This was short-lived.  Keeley fell off the step stool shortly into Kayden's nap time and commenced to screaming.  The screaming woke up Kayden and she started to cry because she was not happy to be awake.  Keeley was upset and crying while covering her ears and screaming "Kayden!  TOO loud! It hurts my ears!"  Which only made Kayden cry more.  There were cuddles in Mom's lap until one girl touched the other.  In a fit, Keeley hit her head on the side of the couch and Kayden tried to comfort her which made Keeley cry louder.  It was pleasant.  All said this lasted from 2:40 until 4.  That is a LONG time!!! 

Despite the insanity of that, I was optimistic for the transition plan to work today.  We were doing fine, until Keeley came running out of her room screaming, holding her diaper (getting ready for nap), and crying that it hurt to tinkle.  I called the doctor to get an appointment.  Her doctor was booked and there were two spots open - one at 3 (meant waking Kayden up early) and one at 4 with a male doctor.  Given the nature of the problem, I didn't want her going to a male doctor she didn't even know.  I thought the lesser of the two was having to wake Kayden up early.

We got to the office and I was told that Keeley needed to leave a sample.  Not that I was thrilled with the idea of a catheter, but I didn't see getting Keeley to pee in a cup going well.  I asked the nurse what we did if it didn't work and she said "we'll try this first.  Most kids think this is kind of fun." She clearly doesn't know my kid and I can guarantee you that there is no mother of a preschooler that thinks it is fun.

The three of us make our way down the hall to the bathroom - Keeley clutching herself, Kayden bunny hopping, and me wondering how this is going to work.  Immediately, Keeley tells me she doesn't need to go.  I finally convince her to get up there and commence to figuring out the logistics of cleaning and collection.  Kayden starts to explore the restroom (which is not so clean in case you were wondering.  Probably everyone should avoid being low to the ground at a pediatric office restroom at the end of the day.)

We manage to get about two drops.  I'm instructed by Keeley to "catch it as it drips".  Awesome.  That tiny amount is enough to diagnose she has a uti but not enough to send out to culture so she has to go again.  The nurse brings two big cups of water (one for Kayden and one for Keeley).  Keeley immediately refuses to drink hers and Kayden immediately pours hers on the ground.  Fun.  Keeley slowly but surely drinks hers and we head back down to the restroom...perhaps there was a bribe of ice cream.  Who can blame me?

This time Kayden finds a piece of toilet paper on the floor and shows it to me.  I tell her to put it in the potty because the trash is too high for her and I am on the ground with Keeley.  Somehow Kayden is completely incapable of seeing water and not touching it and I am suddenly stuck looking at a wet arm and trying not to think about the nastiness of that.  We get a sample, get washed up, and head back to the exam room to collect our things.  I promptly drench all three of us in hand sanitizer up to the elbows and get out of there as fast as possible.

Ice cream is eaten on the back porch....Keeley comes running in dripping ice cream and heading for the bathroom.  Then I hear "poop on my finger.....oh...and on the floor"  Awesome.  Could this week get better?  How is it only Wednesday?!?!  And, is it any surprise that I want to fall asleep at 7pm!

Tomorrow my transition plan will work.  There will be no tears.  Everyone will nap.  I will not have pee or poop anywhere but the potty.  Are preschoolers subject to the power of positive thinking?


  1. Oh Kerri! I really hope your week gets better.

  2. Seriously, this made me smile. Not because oyur day was so rotten, but it's comforting to know all of us moms are in this together. If its any consolation, I picked up my infant the other day from her carseat full of poop and just held her planning my cleanup strategy as both my boys kept staring at her carseat gagging, laughing and pointing. Fun times, but they do make the job more intersting and we can all laugh AFTER the fact.

  3. Poor baby! Poor Mommy! :) Call if you want a break!

  4. I love your positive mantra at the end...hope it works for you:)
