Thursday, March 4, 2010


Since Kendrick's death, I have been amazed and so thankful for the blessing we have received. I knew that we had good friends, but they have proven themselves to be extraordinary during this time. From mobilizing food drop offs while I was still in the hospital, flowers, cards, special mementos by which to remember, and a listening ear, our friends have been so kind. It is true blessing to be surrounded by supportive friends and family when there is a time of tragedy or sadness.

In addition to the friends and family that have reached out to us, I'm amazed at how much other people in our lives have done so as well. People that are acquaintances or that we have professional type relationships with. While in the hospital, a friend of a friend that experienced the death and delivery of her child at five months texted and then called to share with me. She later invited me to a grief support group with her and has provided a much needed listening ear when I feel no one understands how I feel. Kim, our wonderful photographer, offered to come to the hospital to take pictures. When I asked her to come right away, she dropped everything to come so that she could come photograph Kendrick.

Perhaps the biggest surprise of these blessings came from my midwife. I delivered both the girls at a different practice and with an actual medical doctor. Last summer I decided to switch practices because I wasn't crazy with the other doctors and wanted an office closer to the house. I found one that had a highly recommended doctor. I saw that doctor once before she got married and moved away but then discovered Jeanean, my midwife, was also at that practice. I first met Jeanean at the hospital after Kayden's birth. She was with my first practice and was doing their baby gifts. She asked if I would like footprint of Kayden. We have since used her for her pottery studio several times.

I feel God certainly led me to her for Kendrick's birth. She has been such an compassionate provider. Part of that is her job, but most of it is just her. As she was leaving the hospital after Kendrick's birth, she came to our room and asked if it would be alright for her church family to pray for us. Of course I said yes. The kindness she showed during my follow up appointment was so appreciated. At the end of the the official appointment, she looked at me and said "On a personal note, and I hope doesn't upset you that I did this, but I put Kendrick's footprints on two crosses for you." I teared up instantly and said that no, it it didn't offend me and that I have looked at Kayden's plate since Kendrick was delivered and wished that I had had the forethought to do that for Kendrick. She even had a bible verse in mind for the cross if I couldn't find one that I liked. She had put her Sunday School teacher and minister to work and she and her husband had been looking for just the right one. This was all without my knowledge.

She has been such a blessing. I'm so glad that we will soon have his tiny footprints to go along with his big sisters' on our wall!

All of these things have helped us in our grieving process, and we thank you all for your kindness and compassion as we heal. We are lucky to have you all in our lives.

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