Thursday, March 25, 2010

Keeley is Three!

Hard to believe but so true.  She has changed our lives and blessed us in so many ways!  Sometimes I still look at her and expect to see this little face.
And am greeted with this one instead!

 Some highlights right now:

* loves purple, dressing up, animals, and working with her babies

* is still OBSESSED with reading and will correct you if you forget a word, so don't even try to skip a page or sentence

* collects "treasures" every where we go - acorns, rocks, leaves...

* is now in the Primary classroom and adjusting fairly well.  I was invited to her celebration of life and she seemed so happy and the kids were so sweet to her.

* says "why" all the time now. I've had to start getting more creative in my answers because I know that many more "whys" follow the first!

* cut her own hair - ON her actual birthday!  Lesson learned for Mom.  Fortunately, she didn't cut too much and she doesn't have much style to it, so the appearance wasn't greatly disturbed!

She's also getting funnier with her verbal/logic skills.

* One day she really wanted another granola bar and I told her that she couldn't and gave her other options. After a few minutes she came to tell me that Cassie (her doll) was really hungry and needed a granola bar. 

* As I was leaving to run some errands, I told the girls good bye.  Keeley asked where I was going and I told her "Target, the party store, and the library".  She asked if she could go and I reminded her that she needed to take a nap.  She looked at me and then said "Mom, I haven't seen the library in a long time."

* After she was supposed to be in bed, I got in the bath tub - hoping to relax.  She came in, looked at me and said "Mommies and Daddies don't take baths".  We then had to have a discussion about how I take a shower to get clean and a bath to relax...which wasn't working that night.

* Oma told her one day that she couldn't take them to the mall because she didn't have my car.  Keeley responded with "Oma, your a grown-up.  You can drive"

* When she gets upset and is crying she'll say "Don't touch my tears" or "not on my tears" - maybe a little dramatic!

* I pulled my hair back today and came back in the kitchen where the girls were.  Keeley immediately looked at me, pointed at my hair and said, "I don't like your hair.  I like your face, but I don't like your hair."  Talk about brutally honest!!

Her stats:

* weight - 32lbs (62%)
* length - 36.75 inches (40%)
* BMI 16.66 (76%)
and , new this time,
* Blood Pressure: 94/39 (which is good for a little person!)

I asked about why her % on weight and height suddenly reversed and the doctor said it is more than likely because this is the first time she was standing up for height and because she was never a "stout" toddler so she just stayed fairly thin the whole time.