Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Science Place

One rainy Sunday, we headed off to the Children's Museum at the Museum of Science and Nature. The girls had tons of fun, even though the best rooms were closed because they apparently flood every time it rains (BOO!). Anyway, here are some pictures of the little ones.

Kayden "cheese"ing for the camera.

Keeley in full fire fighter gear.

Trying on hats in the insect room.

Looking at the spiders.

Off to uncover dinosaur bones.

On a mission in the vegetable "fields"

I need a hot air balloon in my house. This is the longest Kayden has ever stayed still. She was mesmerized!

All in all, a fun day. However, I have to note that I was paranoid for a week that the kids would get lice from all the dress up gear. Becoming a mom has made me substantially less a germaphobe than I ever was before, but trying on all those hats and then traipsing through that sand just about did me in!!

1 comment:

  1. These pics are cute! I don't blame you about the lice...I'd probably be a little nutty about that too. :)
