Tonight at dinner Keeley wanted more yogurt. I told her she could if she had one bite of the other items on her plate. She did and acted like I was forcing her to swallow medicine. Then she said "It's too salty so I don't like it." WHAT?! Where does she come up with this stuff?!
During our reading/cuddle time before bed, Keeley seemed to be really itchy. I asked if she was having allergy problems and needed her allergy meds (she'd been sneezing and itching a lot today). She said no. Then Kayden piped in with "I need allergy medicine." When I told her she was being silly and that she hadn't even sneezed today, she pretended to sneeze and then looked at me with a big smile and said, "I sneezed."
Gracious me and think we will have our hands full with these two!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Jack in the Box
Kayden has been capable of getting out of her crib for a while. Friday, she perfected the skill of getting in and out. Sleeping has not been an option since. We spent 2.5 hours putting her back in her room the other night and 1.5 during the following day's naptime. I guess she finally decided she was tired!
All the lights are on but she only came out one time and napped for 3 hours. Definite progress!
Then this is her at night. She fought sleep for 2 hours. She only came out for the first 30 minutes. After that she sang, read books, and played (loudly) in her room. This is how we found her when we went to bed. All lights on. Not sure why she was putting socks on and only put on one.
Then this is her at night. She fought sleep for 2 hours. She only came out for the first 30 minutes. After that she sang, read books, and played (loudly) in her room. This is how we found her when we went to bed. All lights on. Not sure why she was putting socks on and only put on one.
Take off your ring
Driving away from music class today, Kayden asked if Ms. Nina's Poppy had died too. I said that I didn't know about Ms. Nina's Poppy but that her Poppy had died (she never met him) and was in heaven with her baby brother, Kendrick.
Keeley said, "Before you die, Mom, you need to take off your ring."
I was very confused both as to how the conversation had turned to me dying and what ring she was talking about. When I asked her about, she got sort of exasperated (teen years are going to be fun...) and said, "Before you die you need to take off the ring that makes you happy about Kendrick because you are going to see him."
Sometimes they say things that just honestly amaze me. The weekend after I delivered Kendrick, I purchased a ring with his birthstone in it. When the girls have asked about it, I tell them it is a ring to help me remember Kendrick and it makes me happy. I can honestly not tell you the last time we have talked about that, but I suppose it has stuck Keeley. And, I suppose she is right. I won't need the ring when I have him.
Keeley said, "Before you die, Mom, you need to take off your ring."
I was very confused both as to how the conversation had turned to me dying and what ring she was talking about. When I asked her about, she got sort of exasperated (teen years are going to be fun...) and said, "Before you die you need to take off the ring that makes you happy about Kendrick because you are going to see him."
Sometimes they say things that just honestly amaze me. The weekend after I delivered Kendrick, I purchased a ring with his birthstone in it. When the girls have asked about it, I tell them it is a ring to help me remember Kendrick and it makes me happy. I can honestly not tell you the last time we have talked about that, but I suppose it has stuck Keeley. And, I suppose she is right. I won't need the ring when I have him.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Alice in Wonderland
Some friends of ours live in Keller and we decided to meet up in Grapevine since it is sort of half way. I saw that the Gaylord had this Alice and Wonderland theme right now and thought the girls might enjoy it. I think all the kids enjoyed the sights and the balloon animals they had. I didn't get very many pictures but a few are certainly telling of the differences in the girls' personalities.
Here we have Keeley posing, and Kayden trying to get in the other face from the wrong side.
Then she got in the face when Keeley left. So much for my hope of having them pose together!
Here we have Keeley posing again. Yes, she is wearing a pixie style headband, a dress, a tutu, dress up shoes, and waving a magic wand at us. Yes, we get lots of strange looks but more smiles!
Here is Kayden trying to get the butterfly off the flower instead of sitting on the bench like I asked.
That is life right now!
There was a big rabbit character wandering around. I didn't get a picture of him but the girls comments...
Keeley: "That big rabbit scared me. I only like little rabbits."
Kayden: "Want to see the rabbit again. Let's eat dinner with him, okay?"
Funny kids!
Here we have Keeley posing, and Kayden trying to get in the other face from the wrong side.
There was a big rabbit character wandering around. I didn't get a picture of him but the girls comments...
Keeley: "That big rabbit scared me. I only like little rabbits."
Kayden: "Want to see the rabbit again. Let's eat dinner with him, okay?"
Funny kids!
Tea Party
The girls and I had a tea party date with Oma today. We had so much fun, as you can see from the pictures below!
We got there a little early and the girls peeked inside to see where we were going. They were very excited and not pleased we had to wait!

While we waited, we walked down the street. This business owner was watering his plants and Keeley immediately pointed out to him that the plant on the end was dying. We have definitely entered the age of vocal observations without filter....
Once we got to go inside, we found our table set up for us. There were princess tea party books, cards, and those plastic princesses on the table. Each girl also had a princess sash to wear, a "glass slipper", and a wand to take home.
The hit, especially for Kayden, of the tea party was the pink lemonade. The girls really enjoyed pouring and drinking it. They each finished two tea pots full. Now, to be fair, I should note that a lot of Kayden's ended up on the table. She liked to see exactly how much would fit in her tea cup before it began to overflow. You'll notice the differences in the personalities from the way they handled the tea cups!

The dinner for the girls.
After dinner, the girls were served ice-cream with sprinkles and were then able to make special bracelets.
We got there a little early and the girls peeked inside to see where we were going. They were very excited and not pleased we had to wait!
While we waited, we walked down the street. This business owner was watering his plants and Keeley immediately pointed out to him that the plant on the end was dying. We have definitely entered the age of vocal observations without filter....
Once we got to go inside, we found our table set up for us. There were princess tea party books, cards, and those plastic princesses on the table. Each girl also had a princess sash to wear, a "glass slipper", and a wand to take home.
After dinner, the girls were served ice-cream with sprinkles and were then able to make special bracelets.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Since Keeley started walking, I've wanted to take a trip out to the Fort Worth Zoo. But we had an infant, and then nap schedules, and then school that kept making it seem too overwhelming for me. This summer I thought we'd give it a shot since the girls are down to only an afternoon nap anyway (if they take one). The zoo opens at 10 so I figured we would get there, see a few animals, and then leave around noon. We were there until 1:30! I was beyond amazed!
The girls has such a good time and it was such a treat to have Grandad and Cathy with us. Kelly and Grandad both took off work for our trip which made it even more special.
The duck Keeley spotted and quickly informed us was a daddy duck because he had a green head. I'm amazed she remembered that!
Enjoying a snack with Dad and Grandad.

My favorite part - feeding the parakeets. Look how close they are!!!
Keeley's favorite part I think. I tried hard not to think about how disgusting that water was.
And, the perfect way to end the day. Multi-colored ice-cream. Kelly said he heard a guy laugh out loud at the kids as he was taking the picture. I had packed extra clothes and had plenty of wipes so I didn't care that there was ice cream literally everywhere. Look at those faces!
The girls has such a good time and it was such a treat to have Grandad and Cathy with us. Kelly and Grandad both took off work for our trip which made it even more special.
It was HOT today - 90 by 9am. A lot of the animals were resting.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tonight at dinner:
Kayden was frustrated that we ran out of salmon and asparagus. She ate about 1/2 cup of yogurt and some blueberries. After she ate all that and was still hungry, I made her two eggs - she ate both.
Keeley had about a quarter cup of yogurt, the seven blueberries I had used to make a smiley face on it, and two bites of banana.
After dinner she had a major meltdown because she left the table and we threw away her food (like we said we would if she got down). Oh so many tears. There was lots of begging for her food (which she wasn't eating anyway) and trying to negotiate with us. About 30 minutes later I went in her room to cuddle and talk to her about what happened. As we talked about the dinner fiasco, she said "make me things I like. I didn't like that. I only like things in the pantry and refrigerator."
Well okay then. How are these two even from the same family?!
Kayden was frustrated that we ran out of salmon and asparagus. She ate about 1/2 cup of yogurt and some blueberries. After she ate all that and was still hungry, I made her two eggs - she ate both.
Keeley had about a quarter cup of yogurt, the seven blueberries I had used to make a smiley face on it, and two bites of banana.
After dinner she had a major meltdown because she left the table and we threw away her food (like we said we would if she got down). Oh so many tears. There was lots of begging for her food (which she wasn't eating anyway) and trying to negotiate with us. About 30 minutes later I went in her room to cuddle and talk to her about what happened. As we talked about the dinner fiasco, she said "make me things I like. I didn't like that. I only like things in the pantry and refrigerator."
Well okay then. How are these two even from the same family?!
For little sister
Mom convinced me to get Kayden some of her own ballet slippers. When we got there, Kayden said she wanted tap shoes. So we got both. Then she wanted a bag like Keeley, so I got her one. Then we got home and she said she could wear her shoes to her class. My heart broke for her. We have to wait 5 months until she can dance. So very, very cute!!
Dance update
Keeley woke up this morning, grabbed both her dance shoes in their little plastic bag (Mom didn't know to get a dance bag...), came out to me and said "I want to dance every day. Every, every day. So I can be a ballerina. There were NO big kids in class so I didn't cry. I want to dance every day." I'd say that is a success!

This is her tv watching face. Lovely isn't it?
This is her tv watching face. Lovely isn't it?
Just like big sister
(no, she doesn't sleep in our bed...)
Kayden is very accustomed to going everywhere Keeley goes. Since we started her at Good Shepherd in February, they do everything together. This summer, we are doing lots of activities but they are all things that the three of us do together.
Dance class was a little sad yesterday. I don't think she was upset with the attention that Keeley was getting as much as she was that she couldn't dance too. She looked very confused and a little lost when Keeley went into class and the door closed. Peeking through the window with me to watch Keeley she said she wanted to go in there. When I put her down to video, she laid on the floor outside the door and tried to peek under at the girls. I know it is good for them to do their own things, but it was very sad.
Kelly put the girls to bed last night so I was surprised when I went in to check on them before I went to sleep. In her bed, sound asleep, Kayden had on some dress up slippers that look like ballet shoes. Kelly said she went to get them when Keeley was trying to put on her shoes (she wanted to sleep in her dance shoes). It was so cute and I wanted to get a picture but you know how sleep goes at our house! I didn't want to wake her up!
I guess we will be starting dance with her in a few months too!
She's looking down at Keeley telling her to dance right here.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Dance Class!
Keeley has been saying that she is going to be a ballerina when she grows up for about a month now. At first, when I asked if she wanted to take class, she'd say "no. I am going to be a ballerina at home." She made sure to emphasize the "at home" part. Gradually though she started to drop the "at home" part and do more ballerina type stuff around the house. So, I finally decided to enroll her in class.
Our first class was today. Mom just happened to be up here and help me which was so nice as I had to get there, register, buy clothes, and get changed all in 15 minutes with two kids. We didn't totally get it all done and Keeley was a few moments late (even with Oma's help). Apparently that was unacceptable because she told me "we can't be late again or we won't get a red thing." The kids that were on time got these red slips of paper. We'll work on that....
Here she is getting ready for class...
And here she is in class. I know that most of you won't watch this because it is long, but the grandparents will! :-)
And, you hear Kayden in the background. She was not happy that she couldn't go in or that I couldn't give her all my attention!
Our first class was today. Mom just happened to be up here and help me which was so nice as I had to get there, register, buy clothes, and get changed all in 15 minutes with two kids. We didn't totally get it all done and Keeley was a few moments late (even with Oma's help). Apparently that was unacceptable because she told me "we can't be late again or we won't get a red thing." The kids that were on time got these red slips of paper. We'll work on that....
Here she is getting ready for class...
And here she is in class. I know that most of you won't watch this because it is long, but the grandparents will! :-)
And, you hear Kayden in the background. She was not happy that she couldn't go in or that I couldn't give her all my attention!
Monday, June 21, 2010
We've started swim lessons and Keeley is turning into a little fish. Look at her go! This is only the beginning of her 8th lesson (ten minute lessons). Not bad I think for never having swam before!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Little Brother
Keeley and I went on a "mommy date" to Target this afternoon. On the way down she said, out of nowhere, "I really wanted a brother and sister." I told her that she did have a brother and that he was in Heaven right now. Her response was "I still love him a lot." So sweet.
Then, in Target we had to discuss why he died and when we would get to see him and if he could come back. She continues to amaze me with her connection to Kendrick.
Then, in Target we had to discuss why he died and when we would get to see him and if he could come back. She continues to amaze me with her connection to Kendrick.
Keeley says,
* "She scampered off!" (when she tried to give Kayden her flip flops before the pool)
* "Why does Oma have two garages? She only has one car." (when we pulled up to Mom's house the other day)
* "STOP! The three year old has to be in the front!" (anytime we are going somewhere and Kayden or I accidentally get in front of her)
* "Oh! Wait! I have an idea....How about...." (a million times a day before she shares her plan with us)
* "Let me do it. See. I do it much better. Much better" (when she took the brush to brush her hair after swimming)
* "Mom, don't talk with food in your mouth. Nobody wants to see that" (as I was holding an english muffin in my teeth with Kayden in one arm and the butter knife for Keeley's toast in the other hand and Keeley asked me a question)
* "Why does Oma have two garages? She only has one car." (when we pulled up to Mom's house the other day)
* "STOP! The three year old has to be in the front!" (anytime we are going somewhere and Kayden or I accidentally get in front of her)
* "Oh! Wait! I have an idea....How about...." (a million times a day before she shares her plan with us)
* "Let me do it. See. I do it much better. Much better" (when she took the brush to brush her hair after swimming)
* "Mom, don't talk with food in your mouth. Nobody wants to see that" (as I was holding an english muffin in my teeth with Kayden in one arm and the butter knife for Keeley's toast in the other hand and Keeley asked me a question)
Kayden says,
* "How about you not sing that. Only Ms. Danielle sing that, okay?" (after I started singing twinkle, twinkle)
* "NO. EXCUSE me, excuse me, Dad. Don't talk to me. Only Mom." (when Kelly tried to answer a question she had the other day in the car)
* "I'm LICKING it." (when I told her not to put something in her mouth)
* "NO. EXCUSE me, excuse me, Dad. Don't talk to me. Only Mom." (when Kelly tried to answer a question she had the other day in the car)
* "I'm LICKING it." (when I told her not to put something in her mouth)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
When I grow up...
According to Keeley she is going to be a ballerina (at home) or a beautiful butterfly (with purple and pink) when she grows up.
Or, perhaps a rockstar according to this...
Or maybe a rockstar butterfly ballerina...
What I am loving most about these pictures is that those outfits she is wearing are Kayden's brand new dress up clothes from her birthday. We had literally just opened the gifts. And Kayden is helping her put them on!!!
Or perhaps a princess...
She wears the tiara almost all day every day right now. It gets quite a few chuckles out in public. Even more when she wears it with butterfly wings!
Or, perhaps a rockstar according to this...
Or maybe a rockstar butterfly ballerina...
What I am loving most about these pictures is that those outfits she is wearing are Kayden's brand new dress up clothes from her birthday. We had literally just opened the gifts. And Kayden is helping her put them on!!!
Or perhaps a princess...
She wears the tiara almost all day every day right now. It gets quite a few chuckles out in public. Even more when she wears it with butterfly wings!
Birthday Party!
So we finally were able to have Kayden's birthday party. Mom came over to help me make the snacks and when we were getting ready to go to the party, she asked Kayden if she was going to play with her friends and then listed off a few of the friends that were coming. Kayden said, "No. I'm going to play by myself." And she did.
Notice how she seems completely confused by the parachute. Normally one of her fav activities. I think she just was confused that she actually had to play with people to use the parachute!
She was very interested in the babies.
She also was very clear in pointing out that it was "not my happy birthday" when they called attention to her. I had to keep explaining that it was, indeed, her party even though it wasn't her actual birthday. She did enjoy the birthday cake though!
I think despite the birthday girl doing her own thing and insisting it wasn't her birthday, everyone had fun. We loved getting to spend time with our friends and Kayden enjoyed herself at the party, and all the awesome gifts she received.
Here are most of the kids. None were too thrilled to be corralled together!
And the babies....
Notice how she seems completely confused by the parachute. Normally one of her fav activities. I think she just was confused that she actually had to play with people to use the parachute!
She was very interested in the babies.
She also was very clear in pointing out that it was "not my happy birthday" when they called attention to her. I had to keep explaining that it was, indeed, her party even though it wasn't her actual birthday. She did enjoy the birthday cake though!
I think despite the birthday girl doing her own thing and insisting it wasn't her birthday, everyone had fun. We loved getting to spend time with our friends and Kayden enjoyed herself at the party, and all the awesome gifts she received.
Here are most of the kids. None were too thrilled to be corralled together!
And the babies....
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Birthday with Gramma
Because we were not able to celebrate on Sunday, Grandma came over on Monday to give Kayden her present and celebrate with the girls. We even got to enjoy the cake I had already made for the party before it got moved. Pink kitty cat. Just as the birthday girl requested!
Here the girls are digging into the presents from Grandma. More dress up things! Even a pair of pretend glasses.
Being an all knowing and wise grandma, she also came with two "just because presents" - one for each girl. That way Keeley actually got to open a present. She brought a butterfly costume for Keeley and a ladybug costume for Kayden.
Look at those eyes! She's showing us her bracelets.
Keeley is in love with the butterfly costume. She wore it decorate the back up cake I had made for Kayden's birthday. Of course, she is wearing the lady bug wings here. Interesting to note that she wore the same thing - minus the shirt and plus one necklace to the doctor today.
And to snuggle with Dad on the couch.
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