(no, she doesn't sleep in our bed...)
Kayden is very accustomed to going everywhere Keeley goes. Since we started her at Good Shepherd in February, they do everything together. This summer, we are doing lots of activities but they are all things that the three of us do together.
Dance class was a little sad yesterday. I don't think she was upset with the attention that Keeley was getting as much as she was that she couldn't dance too. She looked very confused and a little lost when Keeley went into class and the door closed. Peeking through the window with me to watch Keeley she said she wanted to go in there. When I put her down to video, she laid on the floor outside the door and tried to peek under at the girls. I know it is good for them to do their own things, but it was very sad.
Kelly put the girls to bed last night so I was surprised when I went in to check on them before I went to sleep. In her bed, sound asleep, Kayden had on some dress up slippers that look like ballet shoes. Kelly said she went to get them when Keeley was trying to put on her shoes (she wanted to sleep in her dance shoes). It was so cute and I wanted to get a picture but you know how sleep goes at our house! I didn't want to wake her up!
I guess we will be starting dance with her in a few months too!
She's looking down at Keeley telling her to dance right here.
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