Friday, June 25, 2010

Tea Party

The girls and I had a tea party date with Oma today. We had so much fun, as you can see from the pictures below!

We got there a little early and the girls peeked inside to see where we were going. They were very excited and not pleased we had to wait!

While we waited, we walked down the street. This business owner was watering his plants and Keeley immediately pointed out to him that the plant on the end was dying. We have definitely entered the age of vocal observations without filter....
Once we got to go inside, we found our table set up for us. There were princess tea party books, cards, and those plastic princesses on the table. Each girl also had a princess sash to wear, a "glass slipper", and a wand to take home.
The hit, especially for Kayden, of the tea party was the pink lemonade. The girls really enjoyed pouring and drinking it. They each finished two tea pots full. Now, to be fair, I should note that a lot of Kayden's ended up on the table. She liked to see exactly how much would fit in her tea cup before it began to overflow. You'll notice the differences in the personalities from the way they handled the tea cups!

The dinner for the girls.
After dinner, the girls were served ice-cream with sprinkles and were then able to make special bracelets.

We had such a good time! Thanks Oma for joining us and for the pretty headband surprises!!

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