Since Keeley started walking, I've wanted to take a trip out to the Fort Worth Zoo. But we had an infant, and then nap schedules, and then school that kept making it seem too overwhelming for me. This summer I thought we'd give it a shot since the girls are down to only an afternoon nap anyway (if they take one). The zoo opens at 10 so I figured we would get there, see a few animals, and then leave around noon. We were there until 1:30! I was beyond amazed!
The girls has such a good time and it was such a treat to have Grandad and Cathy with us. Kelly and Grandad both took off work for our trip which made it even more special.

Checking out the gorilla trying to nap.
It was HOT today - 90 by 9am. A lot of the animals were resting.

The duck Keeley spotted and quickly informed us was a daddy duck because he had a green head. I'm amazed she remembered that!

Enjoying a snack with Dad and Grandad.

My favorite part - feeding the parakeets. Look how close they are!!!

Keeley's favorite part I think. I tried hard not to think about how disgusting that water was.

And, the perfect way to end the day. Multi-colored ice-cream. Kelly said he heard a guy laugh out loud at the kids as he was taking the picture. I had packed extra clothes and had plenty of wipes so I didn't care that there was ice cream literally
everywhere. Look at those faces!
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