Sunday, June 20, 2010

Keeley says,

* "She scampered off!" (when she tried to give Kayden her flip flops before the pool)

* "Why does Oma have two garages?  She only has one car." (when we pulled up to Mom's house the other day)

* "STOP!  The three year old has to be in the front!" (anytime we are going somewhere and Kayden or I accidentally get in front of her)

* "Oh!  Wait!  I have an idea....How about...." (a million times a day before she shares her plan with us)

*  "Let me do it.  See.  I do it much better. Much better" (when she took the brush to brush her hair after swimming)

* "Mom, don't talk with food in your mouth.  Nobody wants to see that" (as I was holding an english muffin in my teeth with Kayden in one arm and the butter knife for Keeley's toast in the other hand and Keeley asked me a question)


  1. This post has been removed by the author.

  2. That is hilarious!!!!!!! (Mom and the english mufffin!)
