Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Kayden!!!

Our little love bug is one! I can hardly believe the year has flown by like it has. This has been a bit of a rough week for her. We started out at the doctor with a diagnosis of hand-foot-mouth again. Thursday (her actual birthday), she burned her finger on her candle. And Friday we had her one year check complete with three shots. She was a trooper though and ready to play at her party Saturday!

Kayden definitely keeps us all on out toes more that I ever would have imagined possible for a one year old. She is constantly climbing and getting into things. So determined is she to do everything Keeley does, and more! She even showed us this week that she can do a forward roll all by herself!

At her doctor's appointment, they said she is obviously fine on her motor skills. She needs to have one word and she has several. In order of appearance, her words are "keeley", "dada", "mama", "cheese", "quack", "night night", and "this". Dr. Frank said they like for the kids to be off baby food by 15 months. I laughed and told them that she started refusing baby food at 7 months!
Weight: 20.5 (37%) - probably a little low because of her hand-foot-mouth
Length: 30 (78%)

She is getting skinny just like sister did when she started moving!

We celebrated her birthday at home on her birthday with cupcakes I made just for that night. She wanted nothing to do with them and kept pointing at the fridge until I got her ketchup and syrup.

We had a little party for her at The Little Gym with our friends Landon, Levi, and Judah. The kids all played hard and had fun.

Sunday, we opened presents. I think Keeley might have enjoyed opening more than Kayden, but they both liked playing with the toys.
Reading with my girls.

I included this for my'll notice big sister is actually opening the present.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

I think that, deep down, everyone wishes they had a two year old to wake them up at 5:30 in the morning singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" at the top of her lungs.

Admit it, you are envious of my life right now :-)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

"mommy got so sad"

I've been trying a new discipline strategy with Keeley where I tell her "This is so sad. I think it is time for some quiet time in your crib" It is working quite well for the issues we are having. Every time I get her out of her crib, she replays what happened to me and then she frequently tells Kelly. Last night the very first thing she did when Kelly got home was run up to him, look down while pointing to her feet, and say "feet, table, mommy got so sad. get in crib" Cracked me up. Today, I was listening to the girls on their monitors during their nap. About an hour and a half into Keeley's nap, I heard her say "feet. got sad. in crib." I don't know if she was still fully asleep or in her waking phase but it was her toddler babble voice, not her awake voice. I laughed out loud.

Obviously this will not work for us for everything or always, but right now it is clearly making an impression!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One more week

Kayden will turn one in a week. Today she learned how to climb on to the kitchen chairs, and then the table. And got angry with me when I blocked her from crawling into the gutter. What are we in for?

Chocolate Pudding

We love chocolate pudding at our house. I try to only let Keeley have it because Kayden is a little messy with it.

Here is Keeley. Notice how careful she is being.

And now Kayden.

"Pick me up Mom"! How can you resist that face (even covered in chocolate pudding!)?


My baby is growing up so fast. Here are both of the girls having some play-doh time. Kayden is 100% fine playing sitting in a chair just like big sister.

A little bit of a Buddha belly :-)

Keeley is making snakes - her favorite play-doh activity.