Friday, October 31, 2008

GaK/Gee is 5 months old!

Keeley now refers to herself as a cross between Gee and Kee and she has started referring to Kayden as GaGee/Kee. Too cute.

Kayden is 5 months old now. While I don't know her specific stats since this isn't a month to visit with the doctor, I do know that she is barely fitting in her 6 month clothes and now shares diaper size with Keeley.

This has been a big developmental month for Kayden. She is sitting unsupported, pushing up to all 4s to rock back and forth, and moving her legs in a crawling motion to propel herself forward. As soon as she figures out her hands she'll be off! She also just learned to pull her monkey toy in her carseat on her own. Raspberry blowing is a newly acquired noise she makes (and she is a really noisy little one!)

The dogs have started to be interesting to her as well. Recently she was watching Carbo chew on a toy. He stopped and shook his head and she thought it was hilarious and laughed out loud. Kelly and I can make her laugh but Keeley can do it much more easily! Kayden just loves her big sister so much.

Laughs and smiles continue to be frequent as is her babbling. She is a very happy, easy going baby so far. Everyone comments about how smiley she is. She is such a joy and it is so much fun to watch the two girls together.

Keeley is "famous"

My aunt that is a pediatrician published her blog entry this week about Keeley's picky eating and posted a picture.

I love her tips (she posts lots of easy and yummy recipes) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE their products!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Growing up too fast

I'll readily admit that I am in a bit of denial. This denial is directly linked to how quickly my girls are growing up. Somehow, having the second one made bothof them move through developmental stages at warp speed.

Example 1:

My Dad bought some really cute overalls for Keeley before she was born. They were supposed to stay at their house but he told me that I could have them at my house. They were size 12 months. I had them hanging in the closet. A week or so ago, I decided I would try to put them on Keeley (yes, I know she is a year and a half but she is tiny). Suddenly, what seemed like WAY too long was too short on her. Even when I took the pants off, I still marveled at the fact that they didn't fit her like I thought they should have. Still, there is something so cute about kiddos in overalls!
Example 2:

In five days, Kayden progressed from sitting while holding your hand

to sitting alone

to being up on all 4s and rocking and then to catapulting herself forward. She'll be crawling as soon as she figures out her arms - and she's not even 5 months old yet!!!

How do they grow up SO fast?!?!?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Solid foods

Kayden has become increasingly interested in table food and Keeley's drink glasses lately. She will carefully watch you eat and she frequently tries to reach for Keeley's glass. Today we went over to my mom's and had a little picnic in the front yard. Mom had Kayden sitting in her lap facing out when Keeley asked her to open some applesauce. Mom took it and opened it right in front of Kayden. Kayden wasted no time leaning forward and getting some! She looked very irritated when Mom handed the applesauce to Keeley. We may just be starting solids a little sooner than expected with the chunkers!

Tickle Tickle

Keeley has really gotten into tickling lately. She'll stick her hands out and tickle you while saying "tickle tickle". Sometimes, this doesn't make a lot of sense. For example, she "tickled" Kelly from the top of the slide yesterday - while he was on the ground.

My two favorite examples of her tickling:

1. We took Kayden's monitor outside to play while she was napping. Once it was plugged in, Keeley put it to her ear and said "baa" (baby). I asked if she was listening to Kayden. She said yes and then held the monitor in front of her and said "hiyeee" and waved. I told her that was nice to say hi to the baby. She then did her tickle fingers on the monitor and said "tickle tickle". When asked if she was tickling Kayden, she said yes and nodded several times.

2. When playing on the retaining wall next to our house, Keeley spotted some ants. She said "bug" and then leaned over them to say "hiyeee". This was quickly followed with the tickle fingers and "tickle tickle".

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Kayden is officially an inchworm now. Previously, she'd flip over and scoot backward somehow. Today I watched her flip over and then push her bottom way in the air and then her hands out so she could ooch toward me. How can she be doing that already?!?! She's not even 5 months old yet!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


That is the time that Kayden has decided lately that she needs to wake up and be awake for an hour or so. Annoying. She doesn't even really eat at that time and she isn't grumpy until you leave. She simply wants to be awake and have your attention. I suppose she knows she'll get undivided attention since Keeley is still sleeping.

This morning, however, she refused to go back to sleep. I was up every 15 to 20 minutes from 4 until 6:10 when I finally just resigned myself to the fact that I would be awake for the day. Unfortunately, Keeley also decided to start the day then (I think probably because it had been so loud for so long). Here is a summary of the greatness that is a day starting at 4 am:

1. Kayden takes 3 naps a day usually. Today, two of those three were over by 11:06.

2. While changing Kayden's diaper, I hear Keeley start crying. She actually sounded hurt so I quickly moved Kayden to a safe spot and ran to her. She was standing over the powerstrip in the computer room holding her fingers and crying. Great.

3. Keeley decided to eat deodorant and then try to put some in Kayden's eye/mouth/nose while I was in the shower.

4. I look at the clock thinking it must be close to lunch time only to realize it is just 9:30.

5. We are into "no". I realize this is likely to be a long phase. Today it was "no" when I asked if she wanted to try on her new shoes, to brush her hair, to put her hair up....So, we went to the park looking like a ragamuffin.

6. I scream upon discovering a small gecko in my living room. He got into our house last week. When I tried to catch him right after he got in, Keeley wanted to help. It is hard to sneak up on a gecko with a toddler. I guess we don't have enough bugs to keep him full because he was pretty close to dead. When I realized he wasn't moving, I nudged the towel toward him just to make sure he really was dead. Still no movement. No movement until I put a bowl on top of him. Then he started flailing widely about and I screamed again - scaring both girls. Finally I kicked him outside. He is definitely dead now and it will likely be picked up by Keeley next time we go out back.

7. I tried to take Keeley's tray off her high chair with one hand after she finished eating. Normally I can do this. Today, however, was not to be that day. I had Kayden in my lap so I couldn't do anything but watch it fall to the floor. Because Keeley eats so little, it was quite a bit of food. The dogs quickly ran over to help in the clean up process. (Something tells me that the large amount of dried blueberry, turkey, cheese, banana, applesauce, and cinnamon raisin bread they ate before I could stop them is going to come back to haunt us.) When it fell, I said "oh no." Keeley has now said "oh no" about 100 times in the 2 hours that followed. This is the first set of 2 words she has said together.

8. Kayden doesn't feel well so she has the humidifier in her room. Keeley is terrified of it. So, every time Keeley follows me into Kayden's room (which would be every time I go in there for those of you that are wondering), she cowers next to me ensuring that my body is between her and the humidifier at all times. She clings to my legs while peering between them. When I turn to leave, she insists on being carried out.

9. It is raining. I actually like the rain. I do not like the rain when it means I have to deal with dogs inside all day. I also do not like the rain because it means that going outside or to the park with Keeley is a bit more challenging.

10. Best thing that happened today so far: Keeley started referring to herself. She calls herself a cross between "geee" and "keee" :-)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Who needs a spoon?

Despite the fact that Keeley is quite capable of using a spoon, she frequently chooses not to do so. Why use a spoon when you can use your fingers?Smiling for Mom

Getting out every last bit...

Can you see the happy tongue?

This occurred when I left to go put Kayden down. When I left, she was using the spoon. The funniest thing about this entire episode is that she kept saying "more" when I stopped taking her picture!

Keeley Update

Keeley will be 19 months tomorrow! I still can't get over how fast time flies. Thinking back to when Kayden was born it is amazing to realize how much she has changed just in those few short months.

We went cold turkey on the pacifier during awake time. We had done this prior to Kayden's birth but the pacifier had slowly worked its way back into frequent use. I decided to take it away on Saturday (so I would have help during the first two days) and to turn her car seat around at the same time so it would be easier to remove the pacifiers from the car. We talked about it the night before we were going to start. Saturday morning, when I went to get Keeley, we talked about it some more and I handed her a box for her to put all her pacifiers in and leave in her crib. For the first couple days she asked to keep one, but ever since then, she packs them all in the box and closes the lid when she's ready to get up. I am absolutely amazed at the explosion in vocabulary that occured in the week following the end of awake pacifier use - monkey, milk, more, wipe, park, step (for step stool) just to name a few that emerged that week. It was really astonishing and a nice reassurance that it was certainly time to take it away.

She still gets the pacifier at nap and bedtime but I don't think she cares about it quite as much. "Ba" (her name for pacifier) used to be the first thing she asked for when on the changing table or in the rocking chair prior to nap or bedtime. She has started to not ask for it at all. I think this is a very good sign. Our next step will be to take it away at nap time - but I'm not sure we're ready for that yet!

She is absolutely thriving in Mother's Day out, expanding her food selections a little bit (finally!), and so very, very helpful with Kayden. It is a true joy to watch the two of them.
Mom's cell phone and Keeley's in her back pockets

So cute with pigtails

In Mom's shoes

Helping Dad push Kayden

Visit from Grandma

Kelly's mom came over on Sunday so that we could celebrate her birthday. It is always nice when people come to us because it is hard to get out with two different nap schedules. When she got here, Keeley was asleep and Kayden was awake. We put Kayden down shortly after she arrived and Keeley woke up 30 minutes or so later. After another 30 minutes, Kayden woke up. It was nice because she got to spend time with each of the girls alone and lots of time together.

Highlights of the visit:

1. Playing at the house with the horse on a stick. I tried to tell Kelly and Grandma that they shouldn't demonstrate how to ride it because Keeley thinks it is funny but can't do it herself. They didn't believe me. Grandma made many trips around the living room riding the pony. When she asked if Keeley wanted to ride, the response was "no" (which happens to be a common response to just about everything). I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the horse riding.

2. Keeley insisted on going to the park so we all headed out there. Keeley, Grandma, and Daddy played for a long time while Kayden and I hung out in the stroller.
This is how Kayden enjoyed the park

3. Grandma was able to stay for baths and bedtime. Kayden had to go down a little early so Grandma bathed her and then handed her over to me to feed and put down. Then Grandma and Dad bathed Keeley. Keeley actually requested that Grandma put her down so Grandma got to rock and read her stories.
Dad, Grandma, Keeley, and Keeley's baby all giving Kayden a bath

4. One of the funniest parts of the visit was when Keeley decided to use Grandma's name. At first it came out as "ma" but it quickly morphed to "mank". The next day Keeley even requested that "mank" come rock and read books with her. Mank might be the most unique grandparent name yet!

Kayden Update

She is only 4.5 months old but I thought I should let everyone know that she is definitely on the move. I'm not sure what she is doing would be considered crawling, but she is certainly able to move a good distance. When you lay her down on her back, she immediately flips to her tummy and holds herself up really high. She will look around the room to follow you, the dogs, and Keeley. After a while, she'll start scooting backwards until she gets stuck (under the couch for example). It amazes me how quickly and how far she can already move!

Moving is also top priority for her in the bathtub. The girls bathe together every night - Keeley in the tub and Kayden in a mesh chair next to Keeley. Recently, Kayden has started trying really hard to roll out of her chair. I'm not sure what we should do next. She is able to sit if she is supported a little but certainly not on her own. We'll see how long we can keep her in the chair!

She is not sleeping well at any time of the day or night which is pretty annoying. We aren't really sure what is going on. However, as many parents of young kiddos can relate, these early months have tons of things that all interfere with sleep: colds, teething, new milestones, increase in sociability... I just keep telling myself that it will get better. Keeley was a bad sleeper for so long and was grumpy because of it. Kayden, for the most part, isn't grumpy!

I know I am slightly biased, but I think Kayden is one of the cutest babies ever :-)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Decision made

Keeley is NOT starting Montessori now. I simply cannot give her up every morning. I feel very at peace with this decision. She literally ran into her Mother's Day Out class today so she is obviously happy where she is right now. When I called Good Shepherd to tell them, they were so nice and said they completely understood and it was important for the entire family to be comfortable with the decision. She said we will likely get to attend next fall - which was the original plan anyway :-)

For the time being, we will simply implement some of the Montessori ideas in our house. I will have to get creative about how to have time with Keeley be more intentional while still respecting Kayden's budding nap schedule!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Will it ever be okay?

Keeley is in her Mother's Day Out program and doing wonderfully. In fact, Oma picked her up on Monday and she didn't cry at all. Her teachers told Oma to let me know that it must just be a show she puts on for me! She brings home artwork, learns new skills, and, most importantly, learns how to be away from me some.

At the beginning of the year, we applied for Keeley to attend a montessori school. We are very torn about the public school situation when our girls get there and I have some friends that have their daughter in this montessori school now. I like all that I know about montessori so I went on a tour and then had a teacher come out and do a home consultation for us. I explained to the teacher that we were thinking of enrolling Keeley next fall but thought it might be good to have some similar activities/structure in the house this year so she was prepared. The teacher told me that Keeley was the perfect age now and that they really like to get there kids around this age so they can truly get to know them before they move onto primary at 3. She said they were full now but that we could always apply and see what happened.

Well, they called to let us know we could come to an "interview" which is the next step in the enrollment process. At the end of the interview, they told us they had a spot open right now because one of the kids ended up not coming.

Now I'm quite torn. We can always say that we aren't ready and be placed back in the waiting pool. Or we can enroll her now. It is a great program. The classroom is great, the student teacher ratio is great, they play in the garden every day, this school goes through middle school (a lot just go through 6 years old)....BUT it means that my little girl will be gone for 15 hours every week.

The program is from 8:30-11:30 every day. Basically she will wake up, eat, get dressed, and play for a few minutes and then I'll take her to school. She'll come home and eat lunch and then take her nap. I'll have post-nap time with her.

I know lots of people have their kids in day care all day every day, but I don't. I've chosen to stay home so that I can watch all the little things. For instance, the other day I watched Keeley play with a roly poly for about 20 minutes. At what point will I be okay not seeing all the little things? I asked my mom about it and she said she felt uneasy about that when she dropped me off at TCU - not helpful Mom!

However, I see the value in the program for education and for socialization. Possibly even more important, I see the value of having some Keeley-free time with Kayden in these formative years. Am I ready to give up 3 hours a day with her though? How on earth do you make the decision to let someone else have that much time with your kiddo? How do I give up the huge role I play in her life - I truly think that most things are "caught not taught"? At what point am I keeping her home for me and not for her anymore? So many things to think about!!