Thursday, May 21, 2009

"mommy got so sad"

I've been trying a new discipline strategy with Keeley where I tell her "This is so sad. I think it is time for some quiet time in your crib" It is working quite well for the issues we are having. Every time I get her out of her crib, she replays what happened to me and then she frequently tells Kelly. Last night the very first thing she did when Kelly got home was run up to him, look down while pointing to her feet, and say "feet, table, mommy got so sad. get in crib" Cracked me up. Today, I was listening to the girls on their monitors during their nap. About an hour and a half into Keeley's nap, I heard her say "feet. got sad. in crib." I don't know if she was still fully asleep or in her waking phase but it was her toddler babble voice, not her awake voice. I laughed out loud.

Obviously this will not work for us for everything or always, but right now it is clearly making an impression!